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• ⅷ.Exhibition Expected Scale • 8. 展会预期规模 • The exhibition acreage will be 15,000 sqm and there will be over • 4000 professional exhibitors and 12 000 visitorS during the event. • 展会面积将达到15000平方米,展会 期间将有1000专业观众和12000的普通观众。
• ⅲ.Time • 3.时间 • Move-in:16 May 2013 09:00 am— 5:00pm • 布展时间:2013年5月16日 上午9点—下午 5点 • Begin-time: 17—19 May 2013 • 开展时间:2013年5月17日—19日 • Move-out: 19 May 2013 4 pm:00— 9:00pm • 撤展时间:2013年5月19日 下午4点—9点
• Ⅱ.Rules of Exhibition
• Exhibition Management 展位管理 • 1. No exhibitor may reassign or sublet any portion of the stand. It would be treated as against the contract if the booth user is not the same as the applicant. • 2. During the exhibition ,every booth should designate person on duty.And each person should be in charge for one booth. • 3.Retail sales are strictly prohibited. •

Dear Exhibitors: Welcome to the 12th China(Changsha) International Textile Material Exhibition. This Exhibitors'Services Manual is a complete guide to provide the information and service for the preparation so that you could complete the installation work timely and properly. Please read this manual carefully,and complete acknowledgment form of the manual as well as other required forms,followed by returning to Reed Exhibitions before Febrarury 15, 2013.For your easy preparation,please read the whole manual thoroughly.We and all related contractors are more than happy to provide good services to all exhibitors. If you have any question,please contact Reed Exhibitions. Contact person :*** Tel:*********** Fax:******* Email:********** Address:********
• • • • • • • • • •
ⅳ.Venue: 4. 地点 Changsha International Exhibition Center 长沙国际会展中心 ⅴ.Hosts 5.主办方 China Textile Engineering Society 中国纺织工程学会 China textile Society 中国纺织学会

I .Exhibition Introduction • 一、展会介绍 • ⅰ.Exhibition category • 1. 展会类型 • Professional Exhibition • 专业展 • ⅱ.Exhibition • 2. 展会名称 • 12th China (Changsha) International Textile Material Exhibition • 第十二届中国长沙纺织面料展览会
12th China (Changsha) International Textile Material Exhibition 第十二届中国长沙纺织面料展览会
12th China (Changsha) International Textile Material Exhibition 第十二届中国长沙纺织面料展览会 Catalog(目录)
• ⅵ.Organizer
• • • • • • 6.举办方 Changsha creative exhibition Co.Ltd 长沙 creative 展览有限公司 ⅶ.Sponser 7.协办方 Hunan Province Textile Industry Association • 湖南省纺织工业协会
• • • • • • • • • •
I .Exhibition Introductiaon 一、展会介绍和意义 Ⅱ.Rules of Exhibition 二、展会规则 Ⅲ.Exhibition Fee 三、展会费用 Ⅳ.Application Procedure 四、参展程序 Ⅴ.Financial Budget 五、财政预算

4.Without permission of the show organizer, no equipment or booth will be allowed to leave the show floor after the exhibition open. 5.Penalty to the non-compliance exhibition will be handled as follows: a. Criticism. b. Confiscation to the illegal transfer or sublet(s) Booth income. c. For serious cases, it will be disqualified or sent to law enforcement agencies. 6.Reporting and exposing the illegal transfer or sublet(s) booth will be given protection and rewards.