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Kate and Peter like sports. In summer they swim and in winter they skate. They are planning a skate trip for this weekend, but they don’t know about the weather. It’s 7:30 now and they are listening to the weather report on the radio. The weather is giving the weather for the weekend.

“Friday is going to be cold and cloudy, but it’s not going to rain. The temperature is going to be below zero. It’s going to snow on Friday evening. Saturday and Sunday are going to be cold and sunny.”

Now Kate and Peter are happy. The weather is going to be very nice for a skate trip. They are going to have a gook time on the hills.

( )1.Kate and Peter like ___________.

A.listening to the radio

B. watching TV

C. sports

D. music

( )2.They are planning _________ for this weekend.

A.a class meeting

B. a party

C. a game

D. a skate trip

( )3. They want to know about ______________.

A.the rain

B. the food

C. the weather

D. the radio

( )4. It _______ on Saturday and Sunday .

A.will rain

B. will be windy

C. will be cloudy

D. will be cold and sunny

( )5. Kate and Peter are happy because____________.

A.the weather is going to be nice for a skate trtip.

B.They are going to visit the friends.

C.They are going to see their parents.

D.They are going to have a good meal.


A.Talk show

B. Sports

C. Sports player

D. TV play

( ) 2.You’ll know about ______ at 19:00 on Channel 2.


B. news

C. foreign arts

D. Asia

( ) 3.If you want to watch NBA, the best programme for you would be_________.


B. Around the world

C. Foreign arts C. English news

( ) 4.If you like music very much, the best programme is ____

A.at 21:45 on Channel 2

B. at 21:55 on Channel 1

B.at 21:00 on Channel 2 D. at 21:15 on Channel 1

( ) 5. “Morden English” is a programme that _______

A. teaches you English

B. tells you something about English classroom

C. lets you know English news

D. makes foreign friends


The world’s forests become smaller and smaller . People are still cutting down the trees . Why is this happening ? There are two reasons—— land and wood . People need land for animals and crops . People want wood , too . People in every country need wood .Wood is used for buildings or made into furniture .

But most places in the forests are not good for animals or crops . The soil in the forests is very thin . When trees are cut down , the soil is washed away by rain

or blown away by wind . Soon there is nothing left but sand . Then more land will be needed and more trees will be cut down .

Who can we blame (责备) for the lost forests ? The answer is : all of us . There are too many people in the world . Look around .Maybe you are lying on a bed or witting on a chair . They are made of wood .

( )1. What has happened to the world’s forests now ?

A. There is no forest in the world

B. People cut down all the trees

C. They become smaller and smaller

D. People have planted a lot of trees ( )2. Land is used for .

A. animals and crops

B. planting trees

C. roads

D. buildings

( )3. Most places in the forests are not good for animals or crops

because .

A. the wind is too strong

B. no trees are grown

C. there is no sand

D. the soil is very thin

( )4. What is left when the soil is washed away by rain or blown away by wind ?

A. Nothing

B. Sand

C. Tree

D. Water

( )5. It is who should be blamed .

A. forests

B. wind

C. rain

D. all the people


This is a true story . It happened to a friend of mine a year ago . While my friend , Peter , was reading in bed , two thieves (贼) climbed into another room . It was very dark , so they turned on the light .Suddenly they heard a voice behind them .

“What’s up ?” “What’s up ? ” someone called .

The thieves turned off the light and ran away as quickly as they could . Peter heard the noise and came downstairs quickly . He turned on the light . but he couldn’t see anyone .The thieves were already gone . But Peter’s parrot , Henry , was still there .

“What’s up , Peter ?” He called .

“Nothing , Henry ,” Peter said and smiled , “go back to sleep .”

( )1. It was very dark , so .

A. the thieves turned off the light

B. the thieves turned on the light

C. the thieves climbed into another room

D. the thieves heard a voice behind them

( )2. What happened when they turned on the light ?

A. They found a lot of money .

B. They were caught by the owner of the light

C. The police came in .

D. They entered the room .

( )3. What did they do when they heard a voice ?

A. They turned off the light .

B. They entered the room .

C. They ran away as quickly as they could .

D. A and C.

( )4. Who called “What’s up ”?

A. Peter

B. Peter’s son ,H enry

C. The thieves

D. Peter’s parrot , Henry . ( )5. Which is not true ?
