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Patient Good morning,doctor!


Doctor Morning!What's your troubie,young man?


Patient I feel sick and I have a headache.


Doctor How long have you been like this?


Patient Since last night.


Doctor Let me look you over carefully. You have a fever。Let’s take your blood pressure and take your temperature


Patient Is anything wrong with me?


Doctor Yes,but it's not serious.you've got the flu.Here are some pills for you.Plerse take them three times a day and drink moer water.


Patient How soon can Ibe all right again?


Doctor If you have a good rest,you will be all right in three days.


Patient OK,thanks a lot!




symptoms 病症

have a cold 感冒

flu 流感

have a cough 咳嗽

have a sore throat 嗓子痛

have a stomachache 胃痛

have a toothache 牙痛

have a fever 发烧

have a stuffed nose 鼻子不通

feel dizzy 头晕

stiff 僵硬的

sneeze 打喷嚏

sick 恶心

cancer 癌,恶性肿瘤

birthmark 胎记

infect 传染


medication 药物

pills 药丸

tablet 药片

ointment 药膏

power 药粉

drop 滴剂

mixture 合剂

syrup 糖浆

pad 药棉块

penicillin 盘尼西林(青霉素)

eye drops 眼药

antibiotic 抗生素

vitamin 维他命(维生素)

aspirin 阿司匹林


first aid 急救

therapy 疗法

diagnosis 诊断

soothe 安慰,缓和,安慰

recover 复原,痊愈

recuperate 康复,恢复

see a doctor 看病

send for a doctor 请医生

feel one’s pulse 量脉搏

take one’s blood pressure 量血压

take one’s temperature 量体温

give a prescription/ prescribe a medicine/ write out a prescription 开药

make up a prescription 配药

take medicine/ take pills 吃药

get an injection/ have an injection/ receive an injection 打针

operation 外科手术

transplant 移植手术

have an operation 动手术

be operated on …for… 开刀

have an inoculation against smallpox 大天花疫苗

dose 给。。。服药

dress 包扎

bandage 扎上绷带


have you had any pains in your chest recently?

yes, i have.. in fact i had ______ last week.

have you had a bad cough recently?

yeah, i had a terrible _______ the other day.

have you had the flu recently?

yes, i’ve had many ________ the past few weeks.

have you ever had a broken _______?

yes, i have. i broken my arm once when i was 12.

have you ever had broken your ________?

yes. when i was 12, i fell down and broken my arm.

how often do you ________?

every day.

once in a while.

almost never.
