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主语 谓语动词被动语态的过去分词 介词+ 宾语
1. 把原主动句中的宾语变为被动句的主语。 2. 把动词变为被动形式即be+过去分词,并注意
其人称和数随主语的变化,而动词的时态则 保持不变。
3. 原主动句的主语如需要则放在by后面以它 的宾格形式出现(注代词的宾格),如不需要则 可省略。
❖4. Letters and postcards are brought to people’s homes by the postman.
❖5. This silver plate isn’t used very often in our family.
❖SA: What’s your pencil made of? ❖SB: It’s made of wood. ❖SA : Where was it made ? ❖SB: It was made in Shanghai.
2. The Great Wall __C____ all over the world.
A. knows
B. knew
C. is known
D. was known
3. In some parts of the world, tea _B_____ with milk and sugar.
A. is serving
Read the sentences below, paying attention to the underlined parts.
Is it made of silver? It was made in Thailand. What is the model plane made of? Where is tea produced in China? How is it grown? It is planted on the side of mountains. They are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.
Maths ___i_s_____ ___ca_l_l_ed___ the language of science.
1. Cotton (棉花) _A_____ in the southeast of China.
A. is grown
B. are grown
C. grows
D. grow
❖3. A: What language _is_s_p_o_k_en ❖(speak ) in Germany? ❖B: Most people speak German,
but many can speak English , ❖too.
❖4. Most of the earth’s surface i_s_c_o_v_e_red (cover) by water.
1. 肯定句 主语 + be + 过去分词 + (by…) A sweet song is sung by her on the stage.
2. 否定句 主语 + be + not +过去分词 + (by…) A sweet song isn’t sung by her on the stage.
Are trees and flowers planted every year to make our country more beautiful?
3. This English song is sung by the girls after class.
① 改为否定句 This English song is not sung by the girls after class.
Metal __is______ ___u_s_ed____ __f_o_r__ making machines.
3. They produce silk in Suzhou. (改为被动句)
Silk ___is______ _p_r_o_d_u_c_e_d_ in Suzhou.
4. We call maths the language of science. (改 为被动句)
(3)有时为了礼貌等原因不愿说出行为者, 这时也常用被动语态。
B. is served
C. serves
D. served
4. — Do you often clean your classroom?
— Yes. Our classroom ___C____ every day.
A. clean
B. cleans
C. is cleaned
D. is cleaning
❖5. The classroom needs to _b_e_c_le_a_ned (clean) every day.
❖2. The best rice is grown by farmers in the northeast in China.
❖3. Many traffic accidents are caused by careless driving.
被动语态 (Passive Voice)
结构: be + V-p.p. 一般现在时的被动语态:
am / are / is + 动词的过去分词
Many people
主语 谓语动词主动语态的过去式 宾语
is spoken
by many people.
❖1. on the last Friday of each month ❖ 在每月的最后一个星期五 ❖2. in Germany 在德国 ❖3. most of the earth’s surface ❖ 地球的大部分表面 ❖4. cause many traffic accidents ❖ 导致许多的交通事故 ❖5. use this silver plate ❖ 使用这个银制的盘子
5) The students _a_r_e__ often _t_o_ld__ (tell) to take care of their desks and chairs.
6) Vegetables, eggs and fruits _a_r_e__so_l_d__ (sell) in this shop.
When will the road be opened to traffic? 这条路什么时候通车?
(2) 需要强调动作的对象即宾语时。
Calculator can't be used in the math exam. 计算器不能用于数学考试。
He was awarded first prize in that contest. 他在比赛中获得了第一。
❖1. Children under 18
❖ ar_e_n_o_t allowed (not allow) to watch this show without their parents.
❖2. We _a_r_e_p_a_id (pay) by the boss on the last Friday of each month.
2) A picture __i_s_p_u_t___ (put) up on the blackboard.
3) French __is__sp__o_k_e_n__ (speak) in France.
4) Which language ___is____ the most widely _s_p_o_k_e_n_ (speak) in the world?
❖SA: What’s your jacket made of?
❖SB: It’s made of …... ❖SA : Where was it
made ? ❖SB: It was made in …...
❖SA: What’s your sweater made of?
❖SB: It’s made of …... ❖SA : Where was it
4. 其它的成分(定语、状语)不变。
1.People play football all over the world. Football is played all over the world by people.
2. The old man on TV tells a story on Sunday. A story is told by the old man on TV on Sunday.
3. 一般疑问句 Be + 主语 +过去分词 + (by…)?
Is a sweet song sung by her on the stage? 4. 特殊疑问句 疑问词 + be + 主语 +过去分词 + (by…)?
Where is a sweet song sung by her?
1. Tea is grown in South China.(改为主动语 态)
People __g_ro_w___ ____te_a____ in South China.
2. People use metal for making machines. (改 为被动语态)
1. Do you water your flowers every day?(变 为被动句)
Are your flowers watered by you every day? 2. Trees and flowers are planted every year to make our country more beautiful. (变为疑 问句)
②改为一般疑问句,并做肯定和否定回答 Is this English song sung by the girls after class?
When is this English song sung by the girls?
被动语态的运用: (1) 不知道谁是动作的执行者或没
有必要知道谁是动作的执行者时。 The house is quite old. It was built in 1950.
made ? ❖SB: It was made in …...
❖SA: What are your gloves made of? ❖SB: They are made of …... ❖SA : Where were they made ? ❖SB: They were made in …...
3. Students listen to the kind teacher carefully.
The kind teacher is 百度文库istened to by students carefully.
1) Sunglasses __a_re__u_s_e_d__ (use) for protecting people’s eyes.
Unit -5 What are the shirts made of ?
Period 5 Section A 4a—4c
New words
❖Germany 德国 ❖surface n. 表面;表层 ❖postman n. 邮递员 ❖cap n(. 尤指有帽舌的)帽子 ❖glove n(. 分手指的)手套
❖SA: What are your earrings made of?
❖SB: They are made of …...
❖SA : Where were they made ?
❖SB: They were made in …...
❖SA: What are your sports shoes made of? ❖SB: They are made of …... ❖SA : Where were they made ? ❖SB: They were made in …...