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————————————————————————————————作者: ————————————————————————————————日期:



Welcome you to . I’mforeman, weare in charge of loading cargo. We hope wecan obtain yoursupport and cooperation.Thank you.


Excuse me ,who ison duty, please?


——请问船上办公室在哪里?Excuse me, whereis the ship’s office?

——请找一下大副? Excuse me,whereis chief officer?


Chief officer,I’m foreman. I need stowage plan and the l oading sequence.


Chief officer,We areinformedthat the cargowill be shipped by three times. The first is 5000MT, the second is 6000MT,and the third is 5000MT, not including thecargo fortrimming.


What’sthe departure (sailing)draft?


The foredraft isx m,themiddraftisx m, the afterdraftisxm.


Howlong will you needfor deballasting ?


Aboutfive hours and 30 minutes.


How many tons can we load before we stop to deballast?


It’sabout 15 thousand metric tons, then westopand deballast.

Wecan stop after theno.6 cargo is completed.


Can we use two loaders atthesame time?


Yes. (or No).


Pleaseopenthehatch coverof holdno.4.

(Please openall thehatchcovers.)


Because of our requirement ofloading efficiency, please ask the ship to stop loadingfor adjustingdraft only once.


What is thelow tide (or high tide) when ship isalon gsidethe berth?


It’s 17 meters inhightide and 10 meters in low tide.


Captain,can we start to load cargo now?


Yes, (No, because there are somewater inthe hold)


Why not startloading?


We have not received the shipper’s loadingnoticeyet.


Please adjust yourderricks properly.


Please give me the TPC and trimming table.


Where isthe clinometer[klaɪˈnɒmɪtə(r)]?Whichone is accurate?

——(船方:)大副办公室的Chief officer’s


Please ask shipper for cargo details(货物详细), whichwe don’tknow clearly.



It isrequiredforsurveyor(商检)tocheck draft(看水尺)after completion offirstbatch of cargo(第一票货).


Theloader’s(装船机)arm belt can work only under zero degre e(零下).Now the free boardis too high to load in this hold(船舱). Canyou adj ust your loading sequence(装船顺序)?


If we load hold No.3first, is it safeenough foryou?


whywas the loading work stopped?


There’s something wrong with the loader, so we haveto suspendand wait.

因港方停电。Power is cut off.

