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Book One

Words :apple(苹果) banana (香蕉) cat(猫) dog(狗) boy(男孩 )girl(女孩) egg(蛋)One(一) two(二 ) three(三 )four(四)five(五)six(六)

seven( 七 ) eight(八 )nine(九 )ten(十)Fish(鱼) hen(母鸡) ice cream (冰淇淋 ) jeep(吉普车) kite(风筝) father(父亲 ) mother(母亲) lion(狮子) noodle( 面条) frog(青蛙 )duck(鸭) rooster(公鸡 orange (桔子 pig (猪 red(红色)Yellow (黄色) green(绿色) orange(橙色)blue(蓝色

的)pink(粉红色)black(黑色) white(白色)rabbit (兔子)star(明星

Teacher(老师) ruler(统治者) bag(书包) pen(钢笔) pencil(铅笔)book(书 ) window (窗口)zoo ( 动物园 )

Sentences:1. Hello, I” m Wang Tao --- Hello, I” m……


2.What”s you name? ----My name is Sally’


3.Good morning.---- .Good morning


4.How are you? ---I’m fine.—Thank you And you ?-- I’m fine too.


5.Good bye –Good bye(bye) .

6.How many ? ---One two ….


9.Who”s he /she ?---He/She is… 10.Who”re they? ---They”re …11.What color is it

–It”s white ..


12.Give me a ruler ,please .---Here you are! ---Thank you


13.May I use your pencil ? ---Sure ,here you are .Thank you .


14.Happy New Year ,Miss Gao! ----Happy New Year!



Words :uncle (叔叔) bike (自行车) present(目前的) like( 喜欢) ride(骑) swim (游泳) run(运行) draw( 画) bird(鸟) fly(飞的birthday (生日) party (聚会) doll (娃娃story book故事书) cake(蛋糕) grape(葡萄) melon(甜瓜) carrot (胡萝卜) peach(桃子) hot dog (热狗) hamburger(汉堡) head (头)Eye (眼睛) ear( 耳) nose (鼻子) neck (颈) face( 脸) mouth (口) leg (腿) hand ( 手) arm(臂

Foot-feet ( 脚-尺) knee (膝关节) zebra (斑马) cow (牛) horse (马) sheep (羊) milk (牛奶) wool (羊毛Sweater (毛衣) skirt (裙子) soc袜子shirt衬衫shoe (鞋)

hat (帽子)T-shirt (T恤) wear jacket(穿夹克park (公园swing 摆动slide (滑落) boat (船) seesaw (跷跷板)

词组:ride a bike (骑自行车) lay eggs (下蛋) Good idea(好主意) on the farm ( 在农场) put on (穿上) Take off (起飞) Children”s Day (儿童节on the swing (荡秋千) on the slide(在滑梯)

Sentences:1. I can swim. 2. Can you ride a bike ? 3.I like grapes, they ” re sweet . 1.我会游泳2。你会骑自行车吗?3。我喜欢葡萄,它们是甜的

4.I don ” t like grapes, they ”re not sweet .

5.How many hands can you see?-I can see five


6.How many cows are there on the farm.—There are eleven .

7. What size do you wear –--Size S 6。有多少头牛的农场。——11。7。你穿什么尺寸----S码

8.Whose jacket is this? –It”s Ben”s. 9.Put on you shoes. 10.Take off you sweater ..She is singing. 8。这是谁的夹克?-是--“本” 9。穿上你的鞋子。10。脱下你的毛衣。她是唱歌。

Book Three

Words :where( 在哪里)classroom(教室)look看) class( 班级grade(年级blackboard(黑板上) desk(桌子上) chair(椅子) turn(转动) on/off(开/关) hot(热)School ( 学校) sweep(打扫) close(关闭) thirteen(十三) fourteen(十四) fifteen(十五)sixteen(十六sunny(阳光明媚的)cloudy(多云的) rain(雨 ) rainy(多雨的) rice(大米)

snow( 雪) shorts(短裤 )Snowy(雪) cloud(云 ) snow(下雪) cold(寒冷) spring(春天) summer(夏天 fall秋天 winter冬天 ) warm(温暖的) tree(树) snowman钱) clock(时钟) when(当 )home(回家 ) bed(床 ) (雪人 shorts(短裤) coat(外套) want(想要 ) sweep(打扫 )Song(歌曲) computer(电脑)put robot(把机器人 ) Seventeen(十七) nineteen十九) how much (多少

词组on duty(值班turn on( 打开)turn off关掉 go home回家) get up起床 ) go to school(去学校Go to bed(上床睡觉)have breakfast(吃早餐 ) Spring Festial(春节) Christmas( 圣诞节 )

Sentences:1. Are you in Class Two. Grade Four?


2. What class are you in? ---I’m in Class Three .Grade Four .

2。你在上什么班?- - - -我在3班。四年级

3.Please turn on/off the light , Li hong ----All right.


4.How much is the hat ? It’s ninety –three yuan .

4. 这顶帽子多少钱?九十三元
