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生物化学I (2007年秋季学期, A 卷)

专业(班级): 姓名: 学号:

任课教师:郑利民 李国富 阅卷教师:



1. pK 1、pK 2、pK R 分别代表氨基酸的α羧基、α氨基和侧链基团的解离情况,则Lys 的pI = ,

Glu 的pI = .

2. 维持蛋白质高级结构的非共价作用力包括氢键、 、 等.

3. 根据蛋白质的二级结构组成,可将其分为all β、all α、 、 四类.

4. α角蛋白的二级结构是 ,含有大量带疏水侧链的氨基酸;同时,α角蛋白还含有丰富的极性侧链氨基酸 .

5. 蛋白质体内折叠需要的辅助分子有分子伴侣、 、 等.

6. 被解析晶体结构的第一个蛋白是 ,其辅基是 .

7. 在抗体基本结构的标示中,H 和L 代表 ,V 和C 代表 .

8. 生物大分子结构测定的主要方法有 、 、电子显微镜等.

9. 酶在体内的活性调节方式有 、 、酶的切割激活等.

10. 列举两个蛋白水解酶家族 、 .

11. 糖原和淀粉由葡萄糖通过 糖苷键连接;纤维素由葡萄糖通过 糖苷键连接.

12. 寡糖与蛋白的O 连接指 ,N 连接指 ;

13. 指示某段DNA 处于功能活动状态的特殊结构有Z-DNA 、 、 等.

14. 在Sanger 法DNA 自动测序中,荧光基团可以标记在 上或标记在 上.

15. 结构性脂类包括磷脂、糖脂和 ,有些磷脂、糖脂的骨架不是甘油而是 ,因


II. 简答题(每小题6分,共30分,1-5题选做3题,6-9题选做2题)


有那些氨基酸残基在蛋白质功能中发挥重要作用?列举三例. 2.

为什么酶能降低反应的活化能? 3.

解释Ach 受体通道的工作机制(可结合草图说明).(2013年真题) 4.

细胞膜表面的寡(多)糖有何生物学功能? 5.

物质跨膜运输的类型有那些? 6.

根据肌肉收缩的分子机制,解释“尸僵”现象. 7.

朊病毒引起的疾病又称为“蛋白质构象病”,请从蛋白质折叠的热力学角度解释它的致病机理. 8.

有一多肽,其一级结构可能是直线式的也可能是闭环式的. 你如何尽可能简单地做出鉴别? 9. 一级结构决定三维结构,那么如何理解三维结构相似(同)的同源蛋白一级结构的较大差别? III. A protein of unknown structure has been purified and is subjected to gel filtration

chromatography under different conditions, with the following results: 1) Chromatography under native conditions suggests a molecular weight of 240,000 from comparison to standards of known molecular weight chromatographed on the same column; 2) Chromatography in the presence of 5 M urea yields a single protein peak corresponding to a M.W. of 60,000 from comparison to standards of known molecular weight chromatographed on the same column in urea.

1. What information do the results of (1) and (2) give about the structure of the protein? Describe the

structure as completely as the data permit;

2. On an SDS polyacrylamide gel, the pure protein

shows two stained bands. The relative mobilities of

those 2 "unknown" bands are shown on the plot

below as open circles (O), with the mobilities of 5

known polypeptide standards of M.W. 15,000;

20,000; 30,000, 40,000 and 50,000. Given the results

of the SDS gel, how would you alter your description

of the protein structure from the description you gave

in part 1? Be as specific as you can about your

revised description of the structure, and explain the

reason for the altered description.

IV. Lysozyme destroys the cell wall of bacteria by catalyzing the hydrolysis of 1,4-β-linkages between N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (NAG) residues in a peptidoglycan.

Six hexoses of the substrate fit into the active site of lysozyme, a deep cleft across part of the globular protein surface this cleft. Figure A shows the hydrolytic process of 1,4-β-linkages between NAM and NAG and figure B shows the pH-activity profile of lysozyme. Please calculate the ratio of the enzyme molecules which really work at pH 3.8, 5.2, 6.6 to all enzyme molecules, and explain figure B according to your calculation (pH = pKa + lg([A-]/[HA]);pKa Glu = 5.9, pKa Asp =



生物化学I(2006年秋季学期, A卷)



