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1.Most birds can fly.()

2.The children are flying kites in the park.

( )

3.It happened yesterday.()

4.My watch stopped.()

5.The baby stopped crying when he saw

his mother. ( )

6.She spoke at the meeting this morning.


7.Shall I begin at once?()

8.She began working as a teacher after

she left school.()()

9.When did they leave Beijing?()

10.They left last week. ()


1.Does ( ) he like ( ) swimming?

2.He does ( ) like ( ) swimming.

3.Where does( ) he live ( )?

4.He does ( ) some washing after


5.He has ( ) had ( )supper already.

6.The bridge has( ) been( )

built( ) now.

7.I have ( ) been ( )waiting( )

for you all day.

8.He was ( ) struck( )by a stone. 练习3.先找出句中的谓语,然后改正句中的错误,并说明原因:

1.G et up early is good for our health.


2.I want go home now.我现在想回家。

3.M y favorite sport is play football.

我最喜爱的运动时踢足球。4.T here is a bird sings in the tree.


5.T he boy sits over there likes singing.


6.T he house was built last year has been sold out.


7.T he girls are singing over there are my classmates.


8.M y parents wanted him work hard.


9.I remember saw him that day.


10.I saw him walked into the building.



1.I want him to come at once. ( )

2.He lent me some money. ( )

3.He made the boy cry again. ( )

4.The teacher found him cheating in the

exam. ( )

5.Don’t leave the door open at night.

( )


1.During the 1990s, American country

music has become more and more popular.

2.We often speak English in class.

3.One-third of the students in this class

are girls.

4.To swim in the river is a great pleasure.

5.Smoking does harm to the health.

6.The rich should help the poor.

7.When we are going to have an English

test has not been decided.

8.It is necessary to master a foreign


9.That he isn’t at home is not true


1.He failed the exam is the reason why

he dropped out.

2.That why he was late for school was

that his mother was ill.

3.Beyond the mountains lie a small


4.Gone is the days when I had to go to

school on foot.

5.Play basketball is my favorite sport.

6.Give up English is not an option.


1.Our teacher of English is an American.

2.Is it yours?

3.The weather has turned cold.

4.The speech is exciting.

5.Three times seven is twenty one.

6.His job is to teach English.

7.His hobby(爱好)is playing football.

8.The machine must be under repairs.

9.The truth is that he has never been abroad.

练习8.划出下列句中的宾语, 并说明有什么充当。

1.They planed many trees yesterday.

2.(How many dictionaries do you have?)

I have five.

3.They helped the old with their housework yesterday.

4.I wanted to buy a car.

5.I enjoy listening to popular music.

6.I think(that)he is fit for his office.



1.His father named him Dongming.

2.They painted their boat white.

3.Let the fresh air in.

4.You mustn’t force him to le nd his money to you.

5.We saw her entering the room.

6.We found everything in the lab in good order.

7.We will soon make our city what your city is now.

8.I want your homework done on time.


1.The letter on the desk is for Mr. Wu.

2.The woman with a baby in her arms is

his mother.

3.We need a place twice larger than this


4.She carried a basket full of eggs.

5.It’s a book worth no more than one


6.It’s a city far from the coast.

7.He has money enough to buy a car.

8.The man downstairs was trying to


9.There are lots of places of interest

needing repairing in our city.

10.Tigers belonging to meat-eating

animals feed on meat.

11. A boy calling himself John wanted

to see you

12.He picked up a wallet lying on the

ground on the way back home

13.There are many clothes to be


14.Most of the singers invited to the

party were from America.
