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例:What is the man going to read?

A. A n ewspaper.

B. A magaz ine.

C. A book.

答案是A o

1. What color T-shirt does the man pla n to order?

A. Red.

B. Blue.

C. Green.

2. Which section does the man like to read?

A. News.

B. Sports.

C. Entertainment.

3. What job will the man probably take in summer?

A. Lifeguard. B . Tour guide. C . Swim ming coach.

4 . Where does the woma n want to go on holiday?

A . Turkey.

B . Can ada.

C . Italy.

5 . What are the two speakers talki ng about?

A . Shark.

B . Camera.

C . Movie.




6. What test are the speakers going to take on Friday?

A. Scie nee

B. History

C. Music

7. Why does the woma n speaker make the phone call?

A. To discuss her maths problems.

B. To seek help with her En glish readi ng.

C. To ask about the homework for tomorrow.


8. What does the man think is the cause of the woman ' s illness?

A. Last night ' s dinner.

B. The hot weather.

C. Bottled water.

9. What is the probable relati on ship betwee n the two speakers?

A. Husba nd and wife.

B. Doctor and patie nt.

C. Guest and recepti oni st. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。

10. What is the man doi ng?

A. Making an in vitati on.

B. Offeri ng in formati on.

C. Ask ing for permissi on.

11. What time is the woman going to see the dentist this Saturday?




12. What is the woma n going to do after see ing the den tist?

A. Clea n the house.

B. Take a walk by the lake.

C. Help Jim with his scie nee project.


13. What makes shoppers tired?

A. Queu ing for electrically-drive n cars.

B. Look ing for what they want to buy.

C. Carrying shopp ing around.

14. What is the problem for building moving walkways in the store?

A. The space

B. The redesig n.

C. The tech no logy.

15. Where will the computer system send the things shoppers buy?

A. To the exit

B. To the shelf

C. To the shoppers ' homes.



第一节参考答案:1 —5CBBAC

1 W: Normally, we supply 3 colors only, black, blue and red.

M: ① But we really want green ones.

W: In that case, it will be more expensive.

2 M: Are you finished with the newspaper, Mary?

W: Almost. Here, you can take the news section. And the entertainment section is in the living room.

M: ②Oh, I just want to read the sports section .

3 M: I need a summer job that will give me some exercise.

W: How about being a life guard?

M: Life guards don t swim that much. They usually just sit.

W: Well then, you could become a swimming coach, or a tour guide.

M: (3) Tour guide is a good idea. I "d walk all day.

4 M: Are you going on holiday with your brother again this year?

W: Yes. He's comi ng home from Can ada tomorrow.

M: Where are you going?

W: ④ I've already booked a hotel in Turkey, but my brother wanted t o go to Italy, so I hope he does n t mind.

5 W: ⑤ I thought it was a great movie . So visually exciting and the sharks look really scary at times.

M: I hated to admit it, but it made me jump a bit of times too. I guess recent advances in camera tech no logy helped. 6-7 AC

M: Hello, 6632278.

W: Hi, Jack. It's me, Ann. I wasn't at school today. ©Have we got any homework to do f or tomorrow ?

M: Let me see. Well, we got to do the math problems on page 40 in our textbook.

W: All right. I ve got it.

M: Then, we have to go on with our reading for English. The history teacher wants us to read the chapter on the History of London for tomorrow, and write down the most important dates and events in that chapter.

W: Anything else? Ah • music?

M: No, we haven't any music homework, but ⑦the scienee teacher is giving us a test on Friday , so we have to study for that.

W: Oh no. I'm so bad at scienee. I hate it. Thanks, Jack.

M: Don t mention it. See you tomorrow.

8-9 BA

M: Still feeling ill?

W: Yes. That medici ne has n't helped. Not a good start to our vacati on, I 'm afraid.

M: Do you have any idea what caused it?

W: Well, I thought it might be last night b dinner.

M: But I 'm fine. ⑧ Could it be the heat? It 's eno ugh to make anyone ill.

W: I know. But we ve been here a week now. Anyway, I ve been careful in the sun and I ve been drinking bottles of water.
