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1.creative: can produce something.

new or a work of art

2.energetic: have full of energy●

3.modest: does not talk much about

his /her abilities

anized: can plan his/her work


5.patient: can wait without getting


6.active: enjoys taking part in

different activities

7.influence: make someone change●

8.relaxed: calm and not nervous●

9.prefer: like one thing more than


10.create: produce●

11.require: need●

12.wedding: get married

13.choice: the right to decide which

thing you want●

14.cause: reason●

15.doubt: be not sure if something is


16.imagine: form a picture in your

mind of someone or something●

17.valuable:very useful or important●

18.develop: start to have a skill, ability,


19.strict: making sure that rules are


20.national: of a whole nation●

21.matter: be important●

22.stand: a place where people stand

or sit to watch sports●

23.prove: use facts to show that

something is true●

24.succeed: achieve something that

you have been trying to do●

25.scholarship: money given to

someday so that he or she can continue study

26.awake: not asleep●27.ancient: very old●

28.fixed: not changing●

29.appear: start to be seen●

30.born : having a natural ability or


31.discover: find out●


1.eat up 吃光,吃完

2.keep…in order使…保持井然有序

3.show off炫耀

e up with想出(主意)

5.take the lead处于领先地位

6.fall behind落后

7.connect to /with与…相连

8.pay attention to注意

9.think twice(about sth)三思而行

10.do the dishes洗碗

11.divide …into把…分成

12.agree with sb同意某人(的看法)

13.cheer up使…振作起来

14.have difficulty (in ) doing sth做某事费劲

15.would rather(=‘d rather) 宁愿,更喜

16.drive sb mad 使人受不了

17.deal with处理,对付

18.be worth doing值得做某事

19.be strict with sb/in sth对某人/某事要求严格

20.work out算出;解决

21.stay out待在户外;(晚上)不回家

22.go over复习;回顾

23.try out for sth参加…选拔(或试演)

24.lose heart泄气,灰心

25.change one’s mind改变某人的想法

26.succeed in doing sth成功地做某事

27.take notice of注意,察觉

28.break out爆发

29.go into hiding躲藏起来

30.die of/from死于

31.to one’s surprise令某人惊奇的是

32.in fear of one’s life为某人的生命安全担忧

33.be of one’s age与…同龄

34.according to根据

35.as good as和…一样;简直


