山西省太原五中2018届高三3月阶段性练习 英语

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例:How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19. 15.

B. £ 9. 18.

C. £ 9. 15.


1. How does Richard usually to school?

A. By bie.

B. On foot

C. By bus

2. Why will the woman get the fish?

A. Meat is more epensive than it was.

B. The price of fish will go up again.

C. It is cheaper than in other shops.

3. What are the speaers going to do?

A. Have a meal.

B. Print a menu.

C. Fry some lamb.

4. What are the speaers mainly tal about?

A. The woman’s father

B. The woman’s hobby.

C. The woman

5. What is the woman probably?

A. A teacher.

B. A doctor.

C. A coach.




6. What ind of movie does the woman mentioned waiting to see?

A. A romance.

B. An art movie

C. A science fiction movie

7. When does the movie at the Tulip Cinema start?

A. At 715.

B. At 645.

C. At 615


8.What happened to the woman?

A. She got hurt in her car.

B. She was hit by a car.

C. She noced a tree over.

9. How often does the class meet?

A. Once a month.

B. Twice a month.

C. Once a wee.


10. From where did the woman now about the weather?

A. The radio.

B. The newspaper.

C. The TV.

11. When does the conversation tae place?

A. At the beginning of the wee,

B. Just before the weeend.

C. In the middle of the wee,

12. What does the man prefer to do?

A. Pay no attention to the weather.

B. Buy a new umbrella.

C. Tae a raincoat.


13. Why does the man plan to go to the Yunnan Nationalities Villages first?

A. To learn more about minority peoples.

B. To buy some souvenirs.

C. To get some sills.

14. What will the speaers do on the second day?

A. Visit the man’s colleagues.

B. Travel downtown in unming.

C. Go sightseeing on the Dianchi Lae.

15. Where will the speaers stay on the fourth day?

A. In Dali.

B. In Lijiang.

C. In unming.

16. How l ong is the speaers’ trip?

A. Four days.

B. Five days.

C. Si days.


17. How many tourists are the in the group?

A. Eight.

B. Ten.

C. Twelve.

18. Who is Mar probably?

A. The hotel cler.

B. The speaer’s assistant.

C. A tourist.

19. Why did the speaer just have a sandwich yesterday?

A. She had no time for lunch.

B. She forgot about lunch time.

C. She had little money.

20. Where will the tourists go tomorrow afternoon?

A. The par.

B. The city museum.

C. The oo.


