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Unit 11

Section One Tactics for listening

Part1 spot dictation

Give your child the happiness trait

Happiness is both a "state" and a "trait". The state of happiness is a (1) mood that comes and goes. I can (2) induce it in my two-year-old daughter simply by making a (3) silly face.

The trait of happiness is more (4) stable. I see it in my daughter when she gets out of bed with a smile, eager to (5) take on the day. Even when life isn't so pleasant, she can sustain her (6) optimism and hopefulness.

A recipe for a happy disposition through life is harder to (7) come by, but researchers have identified key (8) ingredients. By focusing on these, parents are more likely to raise children with the (9) trait of happiness built into their (10) character.

1)Give your child choices.

2)Resist the urge to (11) spoil. Common sense suggests that people with (12)

adequate incomes are happier than those (13) without. The key word is "adequate". What is important is having enough to (14) provide for basic needs and feeling content with what you have.

3)(15) Encourage broad interests.

4)Teach resilience*. Everyone has ways to (16) cope with bad days. A child

should be taught to find solace in things that will (17) restore his sense of


5)(18) Promote a happy home. One of the best ways to help a child find (19)

enduring happiness is for the parents to (20) look for it in their own lives. Part 2 Listening for Gist

Old and young, single and married, rich and poor - anyone can be lonely, irrespective of the number of friends, family and social contacts they actually have. Women, the elderly, the young, the single parent, the widowed and the unemployed are most at risk.

Young mothers at home with children under five are particularly vulnerable to loneliness and depression because of the transition from working wife to housebound mother. Elderly people, particularly those who move toa new area on retirement, may be isolated from their families and friends. Illness, disability and fear of going out alone also combine to turn many pensioners into prisoners in their own homes. Teenagers' natural shyness and self-consciousness may make them awkward in the company of their peers and the opposite sex. Single parents feel cut off from a couple-orientated society. Divorce can be shattering to the self-esteem. With so many social contacts being made through work,

unemployment can also lead to loneliness.


Directions: Listen to the passage and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.

1)This passage is about various reasons for loneliness and depression.

2)The key words are young mothers, transition, working wife, housebound

mother: elderly people. isolated. illness. disability. fear of going out alone: teenagers. natural shyness. self-consciousness: single parents. cut off. a couple-orientated society. divorce. self-esteem: social contacts. work.


Section Two Listening Comprehension

Part 1 Dialogue

Deputy Editor

Ray Jones: You know, a lot of people who read newspapers have no idea how they're put together.

I'm often asked to talk to groups of people about my work, and it's

incredible how many of them think either that reporters write the

headlines and take their own pictures or, conversely, that the Editor

writes and prints everything in the paper. They fail to realize that

producing a newspaper is really very much a team effort.

Mary Keen: Ray, you're Deputy Editor of the Evening Post. What exactly does
