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I StrUCtUre and VOCabUIary

(B )1. —Why don' t you take the-Shirt, Linda?

—I have only $10. I Can ' t __________ it.

A. borrow

B. AffOrd

C. sell

D. bring

(B)2. YOu ' d better take a Sun UmbrelIa to PrOteCt yourself __ the Sun Shine.

A. Of

B. from

C. Un der

D. To

(A )3. —Did you See who the driver was?

—No, the Car ran so fast ___ I couldn ' t have a good look at his face.

A. that

B. WhiCh

C. as

D. After

(B )4. China is ____ the WeSt of JaPa n and ___ the east of Asia.

A. in; to

B. to; in (D)5. IS there ___ in today

A. SOmeth ing in teresti ng

C. in terest ing any thi ng C. on; to

D. at; in

'S show?

B. i nteresti ng SOmeth ing

D. anything in teresti ng

(A )6. —EXCUSe me, could you tell me __ ?

——There ' S a bank on the SeCOkKOf. You Can do it there.

A. Where I Can Cha nge money

B. how I Can get to the bank

C. if there ' S a bank near here

D. Where the bank is

(B )7. I SaW a Sn ake Iying across the road ___ .

A. on the Way to home

B. on the Way home

C. i n the Way to home

D. i n the Way home

(C)8. —Shall We __ a short play for Ann ' S birthday party?

—SOUndS great.


B. PUt dow n

C. PUt on

D. PUt off

(A) _________________ 9. —I feel really before maki ng SPeeChes.

—Take it easy. You are the best.

A. n ervous

B. disappo in ted


D. bitter

(A)10. OUr headmastertold US how to ____ a good mood, so We Can StUdy in high spirits.

A. KeeP

B. kept

C. keep ing

D. keeps

(D )11. It makes me SO _ to See Childre n being treated ___ .

A. an grily; badly

B. an gry; bad

C. an grily; bad

D. an gry; badly

(D )12. BefOre you are going to hand in your test papers, you should aga in.

A. think about them

B. think them about

C. think over them

D. think them


∏Reading COmPrehenSiOn

PaSSage One

What' She coolest kind of tranSPOrtatiOn交通)for middle school StUdents back from Winter holidays? A racing bike? A car? No, it ' asspecial kind of shoes called Heelys(暴走鞋).HeeIyS look just like com mon SPOrtS shoes, but they have a WheeI(轮子)hidden(藏)in the heel(鞋跟). So inStead of walking, kids Can “fly ” around in them.

“Wearing HeeIyS is fun and cool! ” Said WU Peng, a boy who wore them on his

first day back at No. 6 MiddIe School in Beiji ng. WU Peng Said he loves the shoes so much that he WearS them to go here and there. SOmetimeS he eve n follows his Pare nts Car to the SUPermarket in his Heelys!

Other StUdents also think they are Very cool, but some aren ' t so lucky With their Heelys. It ' S Said that Cbmteen fell down and got hurt while Wearing these shoes.

“ HeeIyS WheeIS are in the heels of the shoes, so it ' S easy to fall, ” Said L

doctor at the Hong Kong Intern ati onal MediCaI Cli nic, Beiji ng. EVe n worse, LiU said,

“ Wearing∏eelys for a long time could stop young people from developing their

legs. ”

(C )1. What ' S the coolest kind of tranSPOrtatiOn according to the passage?

A. A car.

B. A raci ng bike.
