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Case study 个案研究Basic knowledge 基础知识

Basic skill基本技能Full-time educational programme 全日制教育计划Skilled worker 技术个人Semi-skilled worker 半技术个人School-leaver 毕业生、离校生Comprehensive school 综合学校Specialized staff 专业教师Block release 离校学习、离岗学习

V ocational qualification 职业资格Career education 生计教育Social skills 社交技能Life skills 生活技能

School environment 学校环境Work experience 工作经验Actual experience 实际经验Work-study programme利用学习以外的时间参加劳动,工读计划,半工半读,勤工俭学Co-operative education programme 合作教育计划Lower tech nician 初级技术个人

Technical education 技术教育Final examination 期末考试Practical experience[ik'spiəriəns; 实践经验Dual system 双元制是一种国家立法支持、校企合作共建的办学制度,即由企业和学校共同担负培养人才的任务,按照企业对人才的要求组织教学和岗位培训。该模式是德国职业技术教育的主要形式,在德国的企业中应用很广,近几年也被我国的一些企业借鉴或采用。The Ministry of Education/Labor 教育部/劳动部Physical education 体育

Sandwich program三明治教育计划三明治教育是英国发展最早、影响最为深远产学研合作教育模式因而被当作英国产学研合作教育模式代名词时至今日英国三明治教育发展了一百多年已经完美地融入了英国高等教育体系中英国高等教育不可或缺重要组成部分V ocational guidance 职业指导

Job mobility岗位/职业流动Educational research 教育研究Cognitive/affective/psychomotor domain 认知/情感/动作技能领域

Performance/behavioral objective 操作性/行为目标

Evaluation technique 评价技术Information service 信息服务Tracer system of school-leaver 毕业生追踪制度

Job analyses 工作分析Social status 社会地位Disadvantage group 弱势群体Teacher training 教师培训Entrance level入学水平College of advanced education 高等教育学院Teachers’college 师范学院或normal university Infant teacher 幼儿教师

Full-time course 全日制课程 Part-time course 部分时间制课程Tea cher-preparation 师资培养 Home science Home E conomics domestic science housecraft家政学

Technical college 技术学院Government/public/dependent school 公立学校An independent school is a school that is independent in its finances and governance; it is not dependent upon national or local government for financing its operations, nor reliant on taxpayer contributions, and is instead funded by a combination of tuition charges, donations, and in some cases the investment yield of

an endowment. It is governed by a board of directors that is elected

by an independent means and a system of governance that ensures its independent operation. It may receive government funds. However, its board must be independent.

The terms independent school and private school are often synonymous in popular usage outside the United Kingdom. Independent schools may have a religious affiliation, but the more precise usage of the term excludes parochial and other schools if there is a financial dependence upon or governance subordinate to outside organizations. These definitions generally apply equally to primary

education, secondary education, and tertiary

education institutions.

硕士学位masterate,master's degree硕士课程主分为两种,分别是修课式和研究式。修课式的硕士课程主要有理学硕士(MasterofScience,英文短写为MSc),教育硕士(Master of Education,英文短写为MEd),工程硕士(Master of Engineering,英文短写为MEng)和文学硕士(Masterof Arts,英文短写为MA)。另有工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration,英文短写为MBA)。而研究式的硕士课程有哲学硕士(Master of Philosophy,


Bachelor of Education教育学学士baccalaureate;bachelor's degree学士学位

Pre-service training 职前培训Pre-Service岗前(培训) Monotechnical institution单一技术教育机构

Concurrent programme双轨教育计划Student teacher师范生

Non-government/private/independent school 私立学校

Bachelor of Arts/Science 文学士/理学士Economic benefits经济效益Technological progress 技术进步Polytechnical college 多科技术学院V ocational course职业课程Tertiary eduction 高等教育Director of education 教育局长Principal of college 学院院长Teaching staff 教师队伍Educational facilities 教育设施Diploma student 大专学生University student 大学学生Senior staff 资深教师,老教师Social sciences 社会科学Humanity sciences人文科学Diploma course文凭课程(大专课程)Well-qualified staff 优秀教师Academic standard 学术标准Tertiary non-university education 非大学实施的高等教育

Bachelor Of Technology技术学士Bachelor Of Business 商学士Agricultural college 农学院Scientific principles 科学原则Specialist institutions专业性教育机构Academic stature 学术水平salary scale工资级别academic status 学术地位Primary student(小学生)secondary-level student(中学生)secondary diploma student(中专生)diploma student(大专生)university student(大学生)postgraduate student(研究生)
