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1.June 1st is ___ Day. A. Child’s B. Childs’ C. Childrens’ D. Children’s

2. I need ___ paper, Mum. I want to write ___ letter to my English teacher.

A. any, some

B. some, a

C. a, some

D. some,any

3. _____are____for cutting things. A. Knife/used B. Knives/used C. Knife/using D. Knives/using

4. We have got a lot of___ today.

A. newspaper to read

B. homework to do

C. homeworks to do

D. book to read

5. Will you pass me ___? A. a few pieces of chalk B. a few chalks C. a few of chalks D. some chalks

6. ___ has been invited to the dancing party.

A. A friend of her

B. A friend of hers

C. Friends of hers

D. Friends of her

7. September 10th is ___ Day. A. the Teacher B. Teachers’ C. Teacher D. Teacher’s

8. ---Can I help you, sir? ---I’d like to have 100___. I want the students to draw pictures

on them. A. piece of paper B. pieces of paper C. papers D. Paper

9.---Would you like ___ milk, please? ---No, thank you. I still have some.

A. some more

B. an

C. a little of

D. all

10. ___ the old woman is in!

A. What good health

B. How a good health

C. What a good health

D. How good health

提示:①What + a(n) + 形容词+ 单数名词+ 主语+ 谓语!

②What + 形容词+ 复数名词+ 主语+ 谓语!

③What + 形容词+ 不可数名词+ 主语+ 谓语!

④How + 形容词/副词+ 主语+ 谓语!

⑤How + 形容词+ a(n) + 名词+ 主语+ 谓语!⑥How + 主语+ 谓语!)

11.I'm going to help ___ with ___ English.

A. a friend of Nancy, hers

B. a friend of Nancy's, her

C. a friend of Nancy's, hers

D. a friend of Nancy, her

12. The two desks here are ___. You may use the desk over there.

A. Mary and Jane

B. Marys and Janes

C. Mary and Jane's

D. Mary's and Jane's

13.He gave us____ on how to keep fit. A. some advices B. some advice C. an advice D. a advice

14. When we saw his face, we knew___ was bad. A. some news B. a news C. the news D. news

15. What___ lovely weather it is! A. / B. The C. an D. A

16.There are sixty-seven___ in our school.

A. women's teacher

B. women teachers

C. woman teachers

D. women teacher

17.In a few____ time, those mountains will be covered with trees. A. Year B. years' C. year's D. Years

18.It's about ___ walk from my house. A. ten minute B. ten minutes' C. ten minute's D. ten minutes

19.____ face to the south. A. Windows of the room B. The windows of the room

C. The room's windows

D. The windows in room

20.-Would you like___tea? -No, thanks. I have drunk two____.

A. any, bottles of orange

B. some, bottles of orange

C. many, bottles of oranges

D. few, bottle of oranges



1. This isn’t _______ (I) book, it must be _______ (you).

2. I have two sisters. One is a farmer, ____is a driver. A.other B.others C.the other D.another

3.There are many trees on________ of the road. A. both side B. each sides C. both sides D. every side

4.“Help ______ to some mooncakes”, Han Meimei said to the twins. A. you B. oneself C. yourself D. yourselves

5.—Put on your clothes when you go out. —Thank you. Mum. I can look after______.
