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Unit 7

Part One

Jane: (looking at the pyramid they built) Wow, partner, we did a great job, didn't we? Tom: Yes, we sure did. Our planning paid off, didn't it?

Harry: I don't see what is so good about yours. I mean, didn't you see how tall ours was before it collapsed?

Jane: Sure, but the contest was to see who could build the taller pyramid that would remain standing.

Tom: Do you know why you failed? You didn't lay a solid foundation. You know, a solid foundation is very important for a structure like this.

Alice: I don't think we failed. At least we've tried and we've gained valuable experience.

Tom: Yes, yes, but where is your pyramid now? It's nowhere to be found.

Harry: Tom, you are paying too much attention to the final result. In my opinion, the process is more important.

Alice: Yeah and I really enjoyed the risk-taking process. I guess I always like to take risks and it's great fun. Even when I'm walking, I like to take a new path so I can see different and interesting things. Sometimes I get lost, but I always see something different.

Jane: I think it's better to plan ahead, to know what you are doing, and play it safe. I always try to imagine the possible results before I begin anything new. So when we were building the pyramid, my chief concern was on the possibility of collapse and the stability of the pyramid.

Alice: But you can never be sure of success in everything you try, no matter how well you plan ahead. A person would never learn anything new or interesting without taking some risks. I'm convinced of that!

Harry: I agree with Alice. I'd rather try something challenging or different and fail than to never attempt anything that might not succeed.

Alice: And do you remember the aim of the competition? It was to build the highest possible pyramid of cards that would remain standing.

Tom: But how can you build a high pyramid without a solid foundation? Being ambitious and taking risks isn't always bad and may even be exciting, but most of us want to win in a contest.

Jane: And whatever you say on how exciting it was to take a risk, you lost the game. It's something you have to face.

Tom: Yeah, that's right. And we did what was needed to win.

Alice: You two have to remember that this was just a game. Our main purpose was to have fun. On more important things we might take fewer risks.

Harry: Yeah, she's right. Of course we think that solid foundations matter at times. That's why we're going to college. That's our solid foundation for life, and we don't take that many risks in getting our education.

Tom: Still, I think you and Alice are different from Jane and me. We approach both life and games differently.

Harry: That makes all of our lives more interesting, right?

Other three: Right!

Exercise 2







Exercise 3

1.taller standing

2.final result process

3.take a new path 4,plan ahead play it safe 5.be sure of 6.aim possible 7.exciting lost the game face 8.game fun

Part Two

Listening I

In the old days, ants and cicadas were friends. They were very different. The ants were hardworking, but the cicadas were lazy.

In the summer, the ant families were very busy. They knew that in the winter they would have to stay in their anthill. They wanted to have enough food for the whole winter.

While the ants worked hard, the cicadas didn't do anything. They sang and danced all day. When they were hungry, they could always fly to the farm and get something to eat.

One day, the cicadas were singing and dancing. They saw a long line of ants bringing food to their anthill. The cicadas said, "Stop, my silly friends. It's a very nice day.
