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Latest Edition and Interpretation of International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Inju-ry Worksheet

WANG Yi-ji1,2a,ZHOU Hong-jun1,2a,LI Jian-jun1,2b,LIU Gen-lin1,2a,ZHENG Ying1,2a,HAO Chun-xia1,2a,ZHANG Ying1,2a,WEI Bo1,2a,KANG Hai-qiong1,2a,LU Xiao-lei1,2a,YUAN Yuan1,2a

1.Capital Medical University School of Rehabilitation Medicine,Beijing100068,China;

2.a.Department of Spi-nal Cord Injury Rehabilitation,b.Department of Spinal and Neural Function Reconstruction,Beijing Bo'ai Hospital, China Rehabilitation Research Center,Beijing100068,China

Abstract:Objective To study the modification of the International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI)worksheet(2013version)and the significance for clinical practice.Methods The latest English version of ISNCSCI work-sheet-2013was compared with the previous version to find the advantages of current version and analyze its significance according to the ex-perience from using the worksheet-2011.Results11modifications were found in ISNCSCI-2013,in which some were just discrimination, some were for emphasis,and the others were detailing.Conclusion The ASIA International Standards Committee made prudent modifica-tions according to the practical experience of the ISNCSCI-2011to make the worksheet more scientific and clear for recording.The modifi-cation will be more beneficial to record and determine the evaluation results of neurological examination of spinal cord injury in clinical practice.

Key words:International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury;version;modification;interpretation



CITED AS:Wang YJ,Zhou HJ,Li JJ,et test edition and interpretation of International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury Worksheet[J].Zhongguo Kangfu Lilun Yu Shijian,2015,21(8):879-882.

美国脊柱损伤委员会(American Spinal Injury As-sociation,ASIA)在1982年首次提出脊髓损伤神经功能分类标准[1],并被美国脊柱损伤委员会和国际脊髓学会(International Spinal Cord Society,ISCOS)共同推荐为国际标准。该标准在第6版(2006年修订)增加了检查表[2],用于规范地记录和辨认查体结果。在2011年


