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1Sandy: Hi ,My name’s Sandy Taylor .

What’s your name ?

Dongdong: Hi ,I’m Wang Dongdong .

2 Sandy: Is ,Wang your first name ? Dongdong: No ,it’s not .

My first name is Dongdong .

3 Sandy: This is my friend ,Tino .

4 Dongdong: Wh o’s that ?

Sandy: That’s my brother ,Billy .

We’re twins .


1 Sandy: Where are you from ? Dongdong: I’m from China .

2 Dongdong: Are you American ?

Sandy: Yes ,I am .

I’m from the U.S.A.

3 Cody: Who’s this ?

Sandy:This is my friend ,Dongdong .

He’s from China .

4Cody: Oh ,are you ?

I’m from Australia .

I’m Cody .


1 Dongdong: Do you live near school ,fane ? Jane: No ,I don’t .

I live a little far from school .

2 Cody: How do you go to school ?

Jane: I go to school by car .

3 Jane: Sometimes I take the subway .

4 Jane: How about you ,Cody ?

Cody: I go to school by bike .


1 Jane: Do you ride your bike ,too . Sandy: No ,I don’t I walk to school .

2 Cody: How long does it take to go .

to school ?

Sandy: It takes about 20 minutes .

3 Cody: Why don’t you ride a bike ?

Sandy: Well ,that’s a good idea .

4 Jane: See you tomorrow .

Kids: Good-bye ,jane .


1 Tino: What time do you go to school ? 你几点上学?

Billy: At nine o’clock . 九点钟

2 Tino: It’s already eight forty . 已经八点四十分了。

Billy: Oh ,no ! I’m late . 嗷,不!我迟到了。

3 Bill: Who’ s in the bathroom? 谁在浴池?

Sandy: It’ s me ,Sandy . 是我,桑迪。

I’ m brushing my teeth . 我正在刷牙。

4 Bill: Can I come in ?

Sandy: Yes you can .

I’ m finished now .


1 Tino: What are you doing ? 你正在做什么?

Billy: I’m getting dressed now . 我正在穿衣服。

2 Bill: Is Sandy waiting downstairs ? 桑迪在楼下着吗?

Tino: No ,she’s not .She’s making the bed in her room . 不,她没有,她在她的房间整理床铺呢。

3 Sandy: What’s the matter ? 什么事?

Billy: Let’s hurry up to school . 我们快去上学吧。

We’re late . 我们迟到了。

4 Sandy: We don’t have any class on Saturday . 星期六我们不用上学。Billy: Phew ! It’s Saturday today . 哦!今天是星期六。


1 Billy:Hi ,Mom . I’ m home . 哎,你好,妈妈我回家了。

Mom: Hi , Billy .How was your day? 哎,比利今天怎么样?

Billy: It was OK. We played soccer after school . 很好,放学后我们踢了场足球。

2 Mom: Did you win the game? 你们赢了比赛了吗?

Billy: Yes we did . 对,我们赢了。

Mom: That’ s great , Billy . 太好了,比利。

3 Mom: Now ,wash up and do your 现在去洗一洗,

homework before dinner . 晚饭前先做一会作业。

4 Billy: Aw! Can I watch TV now? 哇!现在我可以看一会电视吗?

Mom: No .You can watch TV after dinner . 不行,晚饭后你可以看电视。


1 Mom: Did you see Sandy after school ? 放学后你看见过桑迪吗?

Billy: N0 , I didn’t . 不,我没见过。
