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第 I 页



给水管网设计和净水厂设计。根据设计资料,本次只进行二水厂设计,二水厂取水河流为湘江,取水地点位于河流弯道凹岸。根据水位变化情况,采用固定式取水构筑物。又因月平均流量变化较大,故采用岸边式取水构筑物。由于水厂给水管网设计的是本次设计的难点同时也是设计的重点,其计算工作量大,计算过程比较繁琐,所以采用EPA 管网平差程序进行计算,大大提高了计算速度和计算结果的精确度。净水厂处理工艺采用常规处理,即“混凝——沉淀——过滤——消毒”。混凝包括混合和絮凝两部分。混合是在静态混合器中投加聚合氯化铝,絮凝设备选用折板絮凝池,选用平流沉淀池进行沉淀,过滤设备采用V 型滤池,最后投加液氯进行消毒。经过净水厂中各处理构筑物处理后,出厂水能够达到饮用水要求。


Abstract: This design is the water supply engineering of a city. It mainly includes three parts: the intake works, the water pipe network design and the water treatment plant design. The given information is as follows: intake water from xiangjiang water, take water from the inner bank and the water level changes every month a lot. So I choose the water intake. The water pipe network design is mainly based on the geography chart of the city and the positions of the big water consumers. After arranging the water pipe net, distributing flow initially, small pipe was used with the aim of reducing the cost of the pipe network. In order to satisfy the request of customer to the water quantity, the water quality and the water pressure, the pipe-net-optimize program is written. The process craft in the water treatment plant uses conventional process,that is coagulation-sedimentation-filter-disinfection.The coagulation includes the mixing and flocculating processes, and mixing is to add PAC in the static state mixture machine. The process of flocculation carries on in the grid flocculating tank. Sedimentation carries on in an inclined tube sediment tank. Filter adopts the common quick filter. In the end chlorine is added to disinfect. After a series of process above, water can reach the standard of drinking water.


湖南大学毕业设计第III 页
