
Unit 1 Feeling Sick 要点单词 & 短语

have a headache痛

have a toothache 牙痛

have a cold 感冒

have a fever

have a stomachache肚子痛

take some medicine 服

see the dentist 去看牙医

stay in bed 躺在床上

them 他

easy 简单的


What’ s wrong with you?你怎么啦?

I have a headache痛

have a toothache 牙痛

have a cold 感冒

have a fever

have a stomachache肚子痛

What’ s wrong with him/her/Tony?

He/She/Tony has⋯

Please stay in bed.

Please take some meidicine.

You should take some medicine.

You should see the dentist.

Please +动词原形

should+ 动词原形


What’ s wrong with you? 你怎么啦?

I hurt my foot.我的脚受伤了。

Let me have a look.让我看一看。

Be careful next time.下次当心。

I have a stomachache. 我肚子痛。

Please take some medicine. 请服药。

What’ s the matter? 怎么了?

I have a cold.我感冒。

Please stay in bed.请躺在床上。


What are they doing?他们正在做什么?They’ re digging a well. 他们正在挖一口井。Digging a well?挖一口井?

I can help them. 我能够帮助他们。

Be careful, Gogo! Gogo 当心!

Don’ t worry. It’别seasy担忧.,它很简单。

Ouch! 噢!

What wrong, Gogo?Gogo,你怎么啦?

I hurt my foot. 我的脚受伤了。

You should see the doctor.你应当去看医生。

be 动词( am, is, are)+动词 ing 形式表示正在做什么ur //


nurse 护士

purple 紫色

turn 转向

Thursday 礼拜四

purse 钱包


1.What ’ s wrong with _____?

A. he

B. she

C. her

2.What ’ s wrong with_________?

He has a stomachache.

A. him

B. her

C. she

3.Please ______ some medicine.

A. take

B. takes

C. taking

5.What ’ s the matter______ Gogo?

A. at

B. with

C. in

6.You should _______ the dentist.

A. sees

B. see

C. seeing

7.I can help ________!

A. they

B. them

C. than

8.They ______ a well.

A. digs

B. digging

C. are digging

Unit 2 Looking for a Hospital

要点单词 & 短语

turn left 向左

turn right 向右

go straight直走

across from 在⋯⋯面



traffic light交通灯please

bus stop 公共汽站


Excuse me. Where ’ s the hospital?打一下,医院在哪里?

Go straight. It’ s across from the直走park,它.在公园的面。

Excuse me. Where is the bank?打一下,行在哪里?

Turn left at the corner. It’ s next to the在supermarket拐角向左.。它挨着超市。


We’ re looking for a hospital我.们正在找一间医院。

Where is it?它在哪里?

Go straight to the traffic light.直走到交通灯。

Turn left at the corner. Cross the street在.拐角处向左转。穿过街道。Be careful, Gogo! Gogo 当心!

Go straight to the bus stop直.走到公共汽车站。

Where are we?我们在哪里?

Oh, I know.噢,我知道。

Cross the street!穿过街道!

Three hamburgers, please!请来三个汉堡包!

Oh, Gogo!噢, Gogo!

or //


horse 马

short 短的

morning 清晨

sport 运动

forty 四十



1.We're looking _____ a hospital.

A. in

B. at

C. for

2.Let's ________ left at the corner.

A. turn

B. turns

C. turning

3.A red light means ___, a green light means ____.

A. stop, go

B. stop, stop

C. go, stop

二 / 连词成句

1.straight, traffic, light, the, go, to(.)

_____________________________, worry, not(.)


3.where, the, train, station, is (?)


4.the, supermarket, is, to, the, school, next(.)

_____________________________, not, turn, left, must(.)


Unit 3 Staying Healthy 要点单词 & 短语

enough 足够的 not enough 不够的

plenty of 充分的

too much 太多的

healthy 健康的unhealthy 不健康的

chocolate 巧克力candy 糖果

junk food 垃圾食品

get plenty of exercise 做充分的锻炼

cheese 奶酪

water 水

a lot of 很多


What't wrong with you, Gogo?


I drink too much cola. 我喝了太多可乐。

That's bad for you!那是对你不利的!

What else is bad for me?其余什么是对我不利的?

Too much junk food. 太多的垃圾食品。

What's good for me? 什么是对我有利处的?

Get plenty of exercise, eat plenty of vegetables, and drink a lot of water.做充分的锻炼,吃充分的蔬菜和和大批的水。


Gogo,what are you eating?Gogo,你正在吃什么?

I'm eating ice cream, cheese, and some jelly我.正在吃冰淇淋,奶酪和一些果冻。You know, Gogo, you need healthy food.


All food is good for me! 全部的事物都对我有利处!

Not really.不是这样的。 Too much ice cream is bad for you.太多的垃圾食品是对

你不利的。 You don't eat enough vegetables你.没有吃足够的蔬菜。


Yes. A lot of vegetables are green. They are good for you是.的,很多蔬菜都是绿色的。他们是对你有利处的。

Yuck. I don't like those.厌烦。我不喜爱那些。

Come on Gogo!来吧 Gogo!Eat plenty of vegetables.吃充分的蔬菜。 They are good for your health!它们是对你的健康有利处的!

OK. From now on, I only eat green food!好吧,从此刻开始,我只吃绿色的食品!

ea /e/


bread 面包

healthy 健康的

weather 天气

heavy 重的

sweater 毛衣

Unit 4 Keeping Clean

要点单词 & 短语

warm 温暖的

cool 凉快的

wet 湿润的

clean 洁净的

dirty 肮脏的

tidy 整齐的

messy 纷乱的


----What was your bedroom like this morning?今日清晨你的寝室是如何的?

----It was messy. 纷乱的。

----Is it tidy now? 此刻整齐了吗?

----Y es,it is.是的。

----My books were on the floor this morning.

----They are on the desk now我.的书今日清晨在地板上,此刻在书桌上。

is 的过去式是 was, are 的过去式是 were。


----This is a beautiful park.这是个漂亮的公园。

----Why is there trash everywhere?为何各处都有垃圾?

----Let's pick up the trash and make the park clean让.我们捡起垃圾,使公园洁净。----OK. 好的。

----It was dirty, but it's clean now.以前是肮脏的,可是此刻是洁净的。

----It's nice. 很好。

----L et's pull our trash baskets over there让.我们把垃圾筐拉到那处。

----It's heavy.很重。


----L isten! The birds are singing听.!鸟儿们在唱歌。

----Y es, I'm singing, too.是的,我也在唱歌。

----G ogo,it was clean, but it's dirty again.Gogol。它以前是洁净的,可是此刻又脏了----O h, no! 噢,不!


----W hat's the weather like today?

----It's sunny.

----What was the weather like yesterday?

---- It was sunny.


this 这个

that 那个

father 父亲

these 这些

those 那些

mother 母亲

Unit 5 A Circus in the Park

要点单词 & 短语

good 好的bad 坏的

tasty 美味的yucky 的

snowy 下雪的Canada 加拿大

spicy 辛辣的Thailand 泰国

circus week 礼拜


----Where were you yesterday?昨天你在哪里?

---- I was in Thailand.我在加拿大。

----What was the food like? 食品怎么?

---- It was spicy and tasty又.辣又美味。

What was ⋯ like?⋯⋯怎么?

It was...


----Look! Here comes a circus看.,里来了一个。

----Where did you come from?你从哪里来?

----We came from Beijing. 我从北京来。 Before that, we were in many other places.在那以前,我在其余的多地方。

----Where were you last week?上个礼拜你在哪里?

----We were at Xiangshan Park. 我在香山公园。 We visited a zoo there. 我参



----Where were you last month?上个月你在哪里?

----We were in Canada. We had a show in a big circus park我.在加拿大。我在一个大公园表演!

----What was the park like? 公园怎么?

----It was beautiful!它是美的! There were many red leaves in the woods有.多色的叶在林里! !

----W onderful! Let ‘ s go to Canada!出色!我去加拿大吧!( let ’ s + 原形)

Let ’ s +原形

Let ’ s go to London!

There was +数有⋯⋯

There were+ 复数有⋯⋯


cook 煮

foot 脚

good 好的

look 看


wood 木材

Unit 6 Planting Trees 原形过去式

plant planted

watch watched

wash washed

cook cooked

listen listened

help helped

paint painted

call called

do did

要点单词 & 短语

cleaned the windows 擦窗户

washed the dishes洗碗

folded the clothes 折叠衣服

helped Mom帮助妈妈

cleaned the desk 擦桌子

washed vegetables洗蔬菜

washed clothes 洗衣服

cooked dinner 煮晚饭


----Did you have classes yesterday?你昨天有?

----No, I didn’,不t.我没有。

----Yes, I did. 是的,我有。

----What did you do yesterday, Ben?Ben,你昨天做了什么?

---- I planted trees yesterday我.昨天种了。


----D id you have classes yesterday?昨天你有?

----N o, I didn ’不t,.我没有。It was the Tree Planting Day yesterday昨.天是植。----The Tree Planting Day?植?What did you do?你做了什么?

----I planting some trees我.种了一些。

----D id you plant trees last year? 昨年你种了?

----Y es, I did. 是的,我种了。


----What did you do the year before that?前年你做了什么?

---- I planted some trees, too我.也种了一些。

----And did you plant trees你⋯种?了?

----Of course, Gogo! Gogo,自然了!


----I usually plant trees on The Tree Planting Day!在植树节我往常都种树! (详细到某一天用 on)

Did you+ 动词原形 +时间?

一定回答: Yes, I did./ Yes, we did.

否认回答: No, I didn ’t. / No, we didn

eg: Did you watch TV last night?


Yes, I did./No, I didn’ t.

Did you bug a hamburger yesterday?

Yes, I did./ No, I didn’ t.

ed /t/ ed/d/helped


cooked walked

closed listened

Culture 2 Going Green


There were lots of trees, plants, and animals in the forest.在丛林里有大批的树,植物和动物。

Then 紧接着

People cut down the trees. Animals left or died. 人们砍了树。动物走了或死了。

Next 而后

The land became dry. Trees didn’ t grow.

The earth is warmer now土.地变得干燥。树不生长了。地球此刻变得更暖了。

What can we do?我们能够做什么?

We should eat organic foods, plant 3-5 trees every year, buy eco-friendly goods, reuse plastic bags, reduce soil pollution, and recycle waste.

我们应当吃有机食品,每年种 3 到 5 棵树,购置环境友善型商品,重复使用垃圾袋,减少土地污染,垃圾循环再用。

What can trees do?树有些什么功能?

clean the air 净化空气

keep water and soil 保持水土

save animals 挽救动物


spring, summer, autumn/fall, winter

What day is it today?:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,Sunday


January一月; February 二月; March 三月; April 四月; May 五月;June 六月;July 七月; August 八月; September 九月; October 十月; November 十一月;December十二月


Morning , afternoon, evening/night


Unit 1 Feeling Sick 重点单词&短语 have a headache 头痛 have a toothache 牙痛 have a cold 感冒 have a fever 发烧 have a stomachache 肚子痛 take some medicine 服药 see the dentist 去看牙医 stay in bed 躺在床上 them 他们 easy 容易的 重点句型 What’s wrong with you? 你怎么啦? I have a headache 头痛 have a toothache 牙痛 have a cold 感冒 have a fever 发烧 have a stomachache 肚子痛

What’s wrong with him/her/Tony? He/She/Tony has … Please stay in bed. Please take some meidicine. You should take some medicine. You should see the dentist. Please +动词原形 should+动词原形 课文 What’s wrong with you? 你怎么啦? I hurt my foot. 我的脚受伤了。 Let me have a look. 让我看一看。Be careful next time. 下次小心。 I have a stomachache. 我肚子痛。Please take some medicine. 请服药。 What’s the matter? 怎么了? I have a cold. 我感冒。 Please stay in bed. 请躺在床上。


最新广东版开心学英语六年级上册知识点整理 Unit 1 I wrote a long letter 一、单词 a piece of candy一块糖;a carton of ice cream一盒冰激凌;a pair of socks一双袜子;a bag of chips一袋薯条;a bottle of shampoo一瓶洗发水; a bar of soap一块肥皂a box of tissues一盒纸巾;a roll of toilet paper一卷手纸get-got得到,到;bring-brought带到;have/has-had有;find-found发现;buy-bought买 二、句子 1.Did you buy a bag of chips at the store? 你在商店买了一袋薯条吗? No, I didn’t. I bought a bottle of shampoo.不,我没有。我买了一瓶洗发水。 2.Let’s buy some envel opes and some stamps.让我们买一些信封和邮票吧。 3.What is she going to get tomorrow? She is going to get a pair of socks.她明天打 算买什么?她打算买一双袜子。 三、小短文 1.Yesterday was April 9th. It was my birthday. I had a party. I ate too much. Mike brought a carton of ice cream. Janet brought some candy. Jenny brought a bag of chips. My mom made a cake. I ate three piece of the cake. Then I ate a lot of cookies, candy and ice cream. After the party, I didn’t feel very well. 2.Tomorrow is our shopping day! We’re going to the Big Blue Department Store. I’m going to buy a pair of socks and a pair of shorts. My


《开心学英语》第一册至第七册重点单词、词组和句子 第一册Book1: Unit 1: Hello! 重点单词: 1.hello你好 2.hi你好 3.goodbye再见 4.bye再见 5.apple苹果 6.ant蚂蚁 7.banana香蕉 .bear熊9.cat猫10.carrot胡萝卜 重点句子:(Target) 1.Hello! 你好! 2.Hi! 你好! 3..I’m Gogo.我叫Gogo. 4.I’m Tony.我叫汤尼 5.What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?(你的名字是什么?) I’m Jenny. 我叫珍妮。 6.Nice to meet you, Tony. 汤尼,见到你很高兴。 7.Goodbye, Tony. 汤尼,再见。 Unit 2: What’s this? 重点单词: 1.table桌子 2.desk书桌 3.chair椅子 4.book书 5.pencil铅笔 6.eraser橡皮擦 7.dog狗 8.duck鸭 9.elephant大象10.egg蛋11.fish鱼12.fox狐狸 重点句子: (Target) 1.What’s this? 这是什么? It’s a desk/a book.它是一张书桌/一本书。 2.And this? 那这个呢? Oh, it’s an eraser/an apple. 哦,它是一块橡皮擦/一个苹果。 Unit 3: Can you sing? 重点单词: 1.fly飞 2.read阅读 3.sing 唱歌 4.draw绘画 5.swim游泳 6.cook 烹调 7.goat山羊 8.girl女孩 9.hippo河马10.hat帽子11.insect昆虫12.ink墨水,油墨 重点句子: (Target) 1.Can you read? 你会读书吗?Yes, I can.是的,我会。(肯定回答) No, I can’t.不,我不会。(否定回答) 2.What about you? 你呢? 3.But I can fly.但我会飞。 4.Yeah! Let’s si ng.是的!让我们唱歌吧。 Unit 5: Who’s she? 重点单词: 1.family家庭 2.mother妈妈 3.father爸爸 4.sister姐妹 5.brother兄弟 6.friend朋友 7.juice果汁 8.jam果酱 9.kite风筝10.kangaroo袋鼠11.lemon柠檬12.lion狮子 重点句子: (Target) 1.Who’s she? 她是谁?She’s my mother.她是我的妈妈。 2.Who’s he? 他是谁?He’s my friend.他是我的朋友。 3.Hello, Jenny.你好,珍妮。 4.How are you? 你好吗?I’m fine, thanks.我很好,谢谢。 5.How about me? 我呢?You’re my friend.你是我的朋友。 Unit 6: What’s his name? 重点单词: 1.teacher老师 2.student学生 3.parent父亲或母亲 4.baby婴儿 5.girl女孩 6.boy男孩 7.monkey猴子 8.melon甜瓜 9.noodle面条10.nose鼻11.orange桔子12.ox公牛 重点句子: (Target) 1.Who’s that boy? 那个男孩是谁?He’s my friend. 他是我的朋友。 2.What’s his name? 他叫什么名字?(他的名字是什么?) His name’s Ben.他叫苯。(他的名字叫苯。)


开心学英语六年级上册期末复习题 Unit1Feelingsick 1、写出对应的短语或单词。 头痛发烧 牙痛胃痛 感冒吃药 得重感冒卧床休息 看牙医伤了我的腿 看医生小心点 看一看喝大量的水 休息喝一些果汁 下次很快好起来 挖一口井早点休息 两天后多睡点 受伤护士紫色转弯星期四钱包 二、翻译 1、他们正在干什么? 2、他们正在挖一口井。他们需要水。 3、不用担心。很容易的。 4、你应该去看医生。 5、让我看一看。 6、下次小心点。 7、你怎么了?(2种)

8、我伤了我的腿。 9、我胃痛。 10、请吃一些药。 11、请卧床休息。 12、请喝大量的水。 13、你现在感觉怎样了? 14、今天请吃这些药和休息。 15、你不应该吃这么多糖果。 三、连词成句。 1、take,and,please,this,rest,today,medicine,a,have(.) 2、is,wrong,you,with,what(?) 3、early,now,some,to,go,water,drink,and,bed(.) 4、and,I,have,a,stomachache,toothache(.) Unit2 Lookingforahospital 1、写出对应的短语或单词。 转左在繁忙的街道转右在转角/拐角

对面寻找 街道游泳池 拐角电影院 交通灯蛋糕店 汽车站去公园 靠近超市后退 糖果店邮局 火车站在地图上 在门口走过两个街区 外出交通灯处左转 做运动穿上我们的短裤 小心点举行一场比赛 拐角马短 早上运动四十 二、翻译 1、打扰,请问医院怎么去? 2、直走。在公园的对面。 3、在转角处左转。 4、(紧靠着)在超市的旁边。 5、我们正在寻找医院。 6、在交通灯处直走。 7、穿过马路。


开心学英语 六年级上册期末复习题 Unit 1 Feeling sick 1、写出对应的短语或单词。 二、翻译 1、他们正在干什么? 2、他们正在挖一口井。他们需要水。 3、不用担心。很容易的。 4、你应该去看医生。 5、让我看一看。 6、下次小心点。 7、你怎么了?(2种) 8、我伤了我的腿。 9、我胃痛。 10、请吃一些药。 11、请卧床休息。 12、请喝大量的水。 13、你现在感觉怎样了? 14、今天请吃这些药和休息。 15、你不应该吃这么多糖果。 三、连词成句。 1、take, and, please, this, rest, today, medicine, a ,have (.) 2、is, wrong, you, with ,what(?) 3、early, now, some, to, go, water, drink, and, bed (.) 4、and, I, have, a, stomachache, toothache(.) Unit 2 Looking for a hospital 1、写出对应的短语或单词。

二、翻译 1、打扰,请问医院怎么去? 2、直走。在公园的对面。 3、在转角处左转。 4、(紧靠着)在超市的旁边。 5、我们正在寻找医院。 6、在交通灯处直走。 7、穿过马路。 8、直走到公交车站。 9、邮局不在地图上。 10、然后我们穿过马路,在下个转角处转右。 11、然后我们步行两个街区和转左。 12、这是个晴朗的一天。 13、让我们一起出去和做运动。 14.、让我们一起穿上自己的短裤。 15、让我们一起去骑马。 16、交通灯有三种颜色。 17、你准备去哪里? 18、我认为我知道,但是我不确定。 19、这个标志意思是“你不能在这转左”。 三、连词成句。 1、straight, to, go, light, the, traffic (.) 2、is ,to, the, it, supermarket, next (.) 3、bank, from, it, across, is, the (.) 4、is, shop, where, candy, the (?) 5、the, the, we, then, and, at, corner, street, turn, next, right, cross 6、sign, you, this, means, not, here, must, ride, bikes (.) Unit 3 Staying healthy 1、写出对应的短语或单词。

广东版开心学英语 六年级上册Unit 6

Unit 6: Planting Tree 重点单词: 1.plant(planted)种植观看 3.wash(washed)洗涤 4.cook(cooked)煮 5.listen(listened)听帮助 7.paint(painted)绘画打电话学习 10.did(do, does的过去时)做,e(used)使用 12.act(acted)表演 13.carry(carried)搬,提,拿,st上一个,刚过去的 15. year年 16.What?怎么啦? 17. tree树 18. Tree Planting Day植树节 Sounds and words: 1.helped 帮助 2.cooked 煮 3.walked 走路 4.cleaned 打扫 5.closed 关 6.listened 听 重点句子:(Target) 1.Did you study yesterday? 昨天你学习吗? No, I didn’t.不,我没学。 2.It was Tree Planting Day yesterday.昨天是植树节。 3.What did you do yesterday, Ben? Ben,你昨天做过什么? I planted trees yesterday.我昨天种树。 (Conversation): 4.Did you plant trees last year? 去年你种树吗? Oh yes, I did.哦是的,我种了。 5.What did you do the year before that?那前年你做过什么? I painted.我绘画。 6.Here. You can read this book!这里。你可以读这本书! 7.What did Gogo do? Gogo做过什么? He helped Tony and Jenny.他帮助汤尼和珍妮。 8.Did she wash her hair yesterday? 昨天她洗头发吗? Yes, she did.是的,她洗了。 No, she didn’t.不,她没洗。 练习 1.Write down the past forms of the verbs and their meanings.


Unit 1 Feeling Sick 感觉不舒服

句型: 1.What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了? “What’s wrong with…?”意思是“......怎么了?”用来询问身体或精神状态,也可以用来询问突发事件,表示关心或问候。 同义句是“What’s the matter with…?” **with是介词,后面要加名词或代词的宾格形式。如: ---“What’s wrong with your mother? 你妈妈怎么了? ---She hurts her hand. 她伤着手了。 2.Help + 宾格+ 动词原形:帮助某人 Let + 宾格+ 动词原形:让某人做某事 宾格:me us you him her it them 3.You should see the doctor. 你应该看医生。 should 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,后面加动词原形, 句型结构: (1)肯定句:主语+ should +动词原形+其他。 (2)否定句:主语+ shouldn’t + 动词原形+其他。

(3)一般疑问句:Should + 主语+ 动词原形+ 其他? He should stay in bed. He shouldn’t stay in bed. Should he stay in bed? careful = look out 小心 5.go to the dentist = see the dentist = go to see the dentist 看牙医 6.生病后对别人的建议: Please / you should see the doctor / dentist (看医生/ 牙医) take some medicine (吃药) stay in bed / get lots of sleep (多睡觉) get some rest / have a rest(休息) drink a lot of water ( 喝多点水) many+可数名词复数so many candies so much+不可数名词so much cola Unit 2 Looking for a hospital 找医院


六年级期末专题训练二(连词成句),st where were you week (?) _____________________________________________________________ 2.stomachache I a have (.) _____________________________________________________________ 3.matter is what Gogo the with (?) _____________________________________________________________ 4.was food what in Thailand like the (?) _____________________________________________________________ candies shouldn’t you eat many (.) _____________________________________________________________ 6.evening I to yesterday music listened (.) _____________________________________________________________ the to next hospital the is (.) _____________________________________________________________ 8.bedroom was messy my yesterday (.) _____________________________________________________________ 9.straight stop to the bus go (.) _____________________________________________________________ 10.let’s out do go and sports (.) _____________________________________________________________ 11.have yesterday classes you did (?) _____________________________________________________________ the is mall where (?) _____________________________________________________________ 13.this my books on morning were floor the (.) _____________________________________________________________


开心学英语六年级上册期末复习题 Unit 1Feelingsick 1、写出对应旳短语或单词。 二、翻译 1、他们正在干什么? 2、他们正在挖一口井。他们需要水。 3、不用紧张。很轻易旳。 4、你应当去看医生。 5、让我看一看。 6、下次小心点。 7、你怎么了?(2种) 8、我伤了我旳腿。 9、我胃痛。

10、请吃某些药。 11、请卧床休息。 12、请喝大量旳水。 13、你目前感觉怎样了? 14、今天请吃这些药和休息。 15、你不应当吃这样多糖果。 三、连词成句。 1、take,and,please,this, rest,today, medicine, a,have(.) 2、is, wrong,you,with ,what(?) 3、early,now,some,to,go, water,drink, and,bed(.) 4、and, I,have, a,stomachache, toothache(.) Unit 2 Looking for a hospital 1、写出对应旳短语或单词。

二、翻译 1、打扰,请问医院怎么去? 2、直走。在公园旳对面。 3、在转角处左转。 4、(紧靠着)在超市旳旁边。 5、我们正在寻找医院。 6、在交通灯处直走。 7、穿过马路。 8、直走到公交车站。 9、邮局不在地图上。 10、然后我们穿过马路,在下个转角处转右。 11、然后我们步行两个街区和转左。 12、这是个晴朗旳一天。 13、让我们一起出去和做运动。 14.、让我们一起穿上自己旳短裤。

15、让我们一起去骑马。 16、交通灯有三种颜色。 17、你准备去哪里? 18、我认为我懂得,不过我不确定。 19、这个标志意思是“你不能在这转左”。 三、连词成句。 1、straight, to,go,light, the, traffic (.) 2、is,to, the,it,supermarket,next(.) 3、bank,from,it,across, is, the (.) 4、is,shop,where,candy, the (?) 5、the,the, we, then,and,at,corner,street,turn,next, right,cross 6、sign,you,this, means,not, here, must, ride,bikes (.) Unit 3 Staying healthy 1、写出对应旳短语或单词。


广东版开心学英语六年级上册U1复习课件Editor: Corina Su Unit 1 I wrote a long letter 单词: candy 糖果 tissue 纸巾 chips 薯条 toilet paper 手纸,厕纸 piece 块,片,份 carton 盒,纸盒 ice cream 雪糕 pair 双,对 bag 袋、包 socks 袜子 bottle 瓶子 bar 条,棒 box 盒子 shampoo 洗发水 roll 卷 soap 肥皂

词组 a piece of.… 一张,一份,一片,一块 a carton of… 一盒,一箱 a pair of… 一双,一对 a bag of… 一袋,一包 a bottle of… 一瓶 a bar of… 一条 a box of… 一盒 a roll of… 一卷 1 Editor: Corina Su 练习: 用所给出的字母组成学过的单词,并写上中文意思。p o s a ( ) s c o s k ( ) s h o o p a m ( ) p i c h s ( ) d y n c a ( ) e c i m a c e r ( ) s s s e i u t ( ) l e t i o t p e r a p ( ) 看图填写词组:

1.__________________________________ 2. _________________________________ 3.____________________________________ 4.___________________________________ 5.___________________________________ 2 Editor: Corina Su 6.____________________________________ 7.____________________________________ 8.____________________________________ 【知识讲解】 名词数的表达方式:数字+量词(单位词)+名词 : eg: a piece of candy 一块糖果 a carton of ice cream 一盒冰淇淋 a pair of socks 一双袜子 a bag of chips 一袋薯条 …… a +单位词+名词 如果数量不止“一”,则


广东版(开心)英语六年级上册期末专项练习 【期末专项--看图选择答语】 1.() Where were you last month?A.We were in Shanghai. B.We were in Thailand. 2.() What was the weather like? A.It was rainy. B.It was snowy. 3.() Where did you e from? A.We came from Beijing. B.We came from Xiangshan Park. 4.() Did you plant trees last year?A.No, we didn’t. B.Yes, we did. 5.() Which river runs in London?A.The Yellow River. B.The Thames River. 6.() A.It's cold and windy. B.It's sunny and warm.

What's the weather like now? 7.() What were your shoes like yesterday? A.They were dirty. B.They were clean. 8.() What did they do in the park? A.They picked up the trash. B.They were singing there. 9.() Is it tidy now? A.Yes, it is. B.No,it isn’t. 10.() Where's the hospital? A.Turn left at the crossing light. B.Turn right at the crossing light. 11.() What's good for me? of exercise. B.plenty of vegetables. 12.() A.I'm eating candy.

广东粤人版开心版六年级英语上册Unit 1-Unit6 复习教案

个性教育六年级英语秋季班课教案 Unit 1 Feeling Sick 重点单词短语 have a headache 头痛 have a toothache 牙痛 have a cold 感冒 have a fever 发烧 have a stomachache 肚子痛 take some medicine 服药 see the dentist 去看牙医 stay in bed 躺在床上 them 他们 easy 容易的 重点句型 What’s wrong with you? 你怎么啦? I have a headache 头痛/ have a toothache 牙痛/ have a cold 感冒/ have a fever 发烧/ have a stomachache 肚子痛 What’s wrong with him/her/Tony? He/She/Tony has … Please stay in bed ./ Please take some medicine.

You should take some medicine./ You should see the dentist. Please +动词原形 should+动词原形 What’s wrong with you? 你怎么啦? I hurt my foot. 我的脚受伤了。 Let me have a look. 让我看一看。Be careful next time. 下次小心。 I have a stomachache. 我肚子痛。Please take some medicine. 请服药。What’s the matter? 怎么了?I have a cold. 我感冒。 Please stay in bed. 请躺在床上。 课文 What are they doing?他们正在做什么? They’re digging a well. 他们正在挖一口井。 Digging a well? 挖一口井? I can help them. 我可以帮助他们。 Be careful, Gogo! Gogo小心! Don’t worry. It’s easy. 别担心,它很容易。 Ouch! 噢! What wrong, Gogo? Gogo,你怎么啦? I hurt my foot. 我的脚受伤了。 You should see the doctor. 你应该去看医生。 be动词(am, is, are)+动词ing形式表示正在做什么 ur / / hurt 受伤nurse 护士purple 紫色turn 转向Thursday 星期四purse 钱包 【课堂巩固】 一、根据语境,完成句子(每线一词)。 1.She has a t________. She should see the d_________. 2.They are digging a w________. 3. I h_______ my neck. 4. It doesn’t m________. I’m fine. 5. Be c_________next time! 二、单项选择。 ( )1.What’s wrong _____you? A.with C. of


开心学英语六年级上册期末复习题 Unit 1 Feeling sick 1、写出对应的短语或单词。 二、翻译 1、他们正在干什么? 2、他们正在挖一口井。他们需要水。 3、不用担心。很容易的。 4、你应该去看医生。 5、让我看一看。 6、下次小心点。 7、你怎么了?(2种) 8、我伤了我的腿。 9、我胃痛。 10、请吃一些药。 11、请卧床休息。

12、请喝大量的水。 13、你现在感觉怎样了? 14、今天请吃这些药和休息。 15、你不应该吃这么多糖果。 三、重点归纳。 1.意为“你怎么啦?” = 回答应为I have a +病症。 提建议可用:Should+ (应该做……) 或:Please+ (请做……) Unit 2 Looking for a hospital 1、写出对应的短语或单词。

二、翻译 1、打扰,请问医院怎么去? 2、直走。在公园的对面。 3、在转角处左转。 4、(紧靠着)在超市的旁边。 5、我们正在寻找医院。 6、在交通灯处直走。 7、穿过马路。 8、直走到公交车站。 9、邮局不在地图上。 10、然后我们穿过马路,在下个转角处转右。 11、然后我们步行两个街区和转左。 12、这是个晴朗的一天。 13、让我们一起出去和做运动。 14.、让我们一起穿上自己的短裤。 15、让我们一起去骑马。 16、交通灯有三种颜色。 17、你准备去哪里? 18、我认为我知道,但是我不确定。 19、这个标志意思是“你不能在这转左”。 三、连词成句。 1、straight, to, go, light, the, traffic (.) 2、is,to, the, it, supermarket, next (.) 3、bank, from, it, across, is, the (.) 4、is, shop, where, candy, the (?)


开心学英语六年级上册期末复习题 Unit 1 Feeling sick1、写出对应的短语或单词。 二、翻译 1、他们正在干什么? 2、他们正在挖一口井。他们需要水。 3、不用担心。很容易的。 4、你应该去看医生。 5、让我看一看。 6、下次小心点。 7、你怎么了?(2种) 8、我伤了我的腿。 9、我胃痛。 10、请吃一些药。 11、请卧床休息。 12、请喝大量的水。 13、你现在感觉怎样了?

14、今天请吃这些药和休息。 15、你不应该吃这么多糖果。 三、连词成句。 1、take,and, please,this,rest, today, medicine, a,have(.) 2、is, wrong,you, with ,what(?) 3、early, now, some,to, go, water,drink,and, bed (.) 4、and, I, have,a, stomachache,toothache(.) Unit 2 Looking for a hospital 1、写出对应的短语或单词。

二、翻译 1、打扰,请问医院怎么去? 2、直走。在公园的对面。 3、在转角处左转。 4、(紧靠着)在超市的旁边。 5、我们正在寻找医院。 6、在交通灯处直走。 7、穿过马路。 8、直走到公交车站。 9、邮局不在地图上。 10、然后我们穿过马路,在下个转角处转右。 11、然后我们步行两个街区和转左。 12、这是个晴朗的一天。 13、让我们一起出去和做运动。 14.、让我们一起穿上自己的短裤。 15、让我们一起去骑马。 16、交通灯有三种颜色。 17、你准备去哪里? 18、我认为我知道,但是我不确定。 19、这个标志意思是“你不能在这转左”。 三、连词成句。 1、straight, to,go, light,the,traffic(.) 2、is,to,the,it,supermarket,next(.) 3、bank,from, it, across,is, the (.) 4、is, shop,where, candy,the (?)
