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本设计为微丘区二级公路,设计车速为 80,,,,。设计全长5250m,双向两车道,采用二级公路整体式断面标准,设计年限为12年。该工程计划于2012年4月1日起施工到2012年7月26日完成竣工验收,历时117天。关键词: 二级公路线形设计路面路基沥青施工组织设计工程造价

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This design according to the given information,through the analysis on the original data,according to the sections of the terrain, geology, terrain, hydrology and other natural conditions;According to" technical standard of Highway Engineering"," code for design of highway route", issued by the Ministry of transportation related technical indicators, the guidance of the teacher and students with the help .Design interior

details : route design, including paper location, drawing the route plan, route vertical section design;The roadbed design, to complete the five km cross sectional and Subgrade Earthwork Calculation and drainage design; design of pavement, asphalt concrete pavement design;Small

bridge culvert design; design budget, complete all sections of the

initial design budgetary estimate of design; construction organization design; application of computer drawing, according to the teacher's guidance and requirements.

The design and calculation of the horizontal, longitudinal,

transverse elements, design of roadbed, road, bridge and culvert, etc., through this design about highway design process. The successful completion of the Heze to Dingtao two highway design.The design for the hilly area two highway, the design speed of80km / h. Design of full-length5250m, two-way two driveway, using two stage highway integral standard section, design life of 12 years.This project plans in April 1, 2012August 26, 2012 to complete the construction completion and acceptance, which lasted 117 days.

Key words: Two stage highway alignment design road surface roadbed Asphalt construction organization planning project cost

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