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1.他拖了那么长时间的课,几乎所有的学生都厌倦了。(prolong his lesson)

To such an extent did he prolong his lesson that almost all his students got bored.


Little does he care about how others regard him./Litter does he mind how others look at him.

3.她不但去过东京,还在那里的一家合资企业做了一段时间的秘书。(a joint venture)

Not only has she been to Tokyo but also she worked as a secretary in a joint venture there for some time,


Lose money as he did,he drew the lesson from it.

5.从山顶上可以看到整个村庄和村民赖以生存的小河。(depend on)

From the top of the mountain can be seen the whole village and a small river which the villagers depend on for their life.


Gone will be the day when most Shanghainese suffer from a shortage of food,clothes and shelter.

7.在任何情况和任何时间,我都不会放弃我的志向。(abandon my ambition)

Under no circumstances and at no time will I abandon my ambition.


Had it not been for your warning,I would have made a more serious mistake.

9.只有当你拥有需求很大的特殊技能时,你才能容易地在就业市场上找到一份工作。(in the job market)

Only when you have the special skill in great demand can you land a job easily in the job market.


Seldom did he stumble and fall when he was alive.

11.我肯定,没告诉我前他决不会先离开。(by no means)

I am certain by no means will he leave without telling me first.

12.像他的薪水上涨一样,他对拥有一幢自己的房子的渴望也愈加迫切。(of his own)

As his salary rises/goes up,so does his desire/hunger for a house of his own.

13.在那个以美丽的热带植物而出名的花园里有他父亲栽培的罕见的异国花朵。(beautiful tropical vegetation)

In the garden famous for its beautiful tropical vegetation exist rare exotic flowers cultivated by his father.

14.只有做出反映国家利益而不是商业利益的资源开发决定,我们的政府才是有远见的。(be far-sighted)

Only by making resource development decisions that reflect the interests of our country rather than commercial ones can our government be far-sighted.

15.掌握数学公式的下一步就是使用它。(the math formula)

Next to the mastery of the math formula comes the ability to turn it to use.


Such a warm-hearted person is she that she is always ready to help whoever /anyone who has difficulties.


Not until after the great painter died did he become famous/make his mark.


Never will I lose confidence however difficult it may be/whatever difficulty there may be.


Your energy is precious,and so is your time.


Life doesn’t have to be hard,nor does it have to involve a struggle or a sacrifice.

