The Munich Oktoberfest(慕尼黑啤酒节)

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啤酒的种类( Classification):
白啤酒(Weissbier) 清啤酒(Pils) 黑啤酒(Altbier) 科什啤酒(Koelsch) 出口啤酒(Exprotbier)
是把小麦芽和大麦芽 混合后酿制的,所以它 们也叫小麦啤酒。 主要流行于北德地区,它是德 国啤酒中苦味最重的一种。
啤酒节上总能看到穿着传统服装的男男女女,老老少少。你知道 这些服装有什么特别之处吗?人们还会佩戴什么首饰吗? Beer festival always see men and women dressed in traditional costumes regardless of young and old. Do you know what's the specialist about these clothes? And what kind of jewelry people will wear?
德国人都以自己的啤酒文化的精纯而自豪,这是有 史可考的。公元1516年,巴伐利亚公爵威廉四世为了保持 啤酒的精纯,编纂了一部严苛的法典“精纯戒律”,明确 规定只能用大麦(以及后来的大麦芽汁)、水及啤酒花生产 啤酒。
Germans are proud of their own beer culture , there are historical basis. In 1516, for the sake of keep the beer in pure, the Bavarian duke William Ⅳ compiled the “pure precepts”, make a clear regulation that beer can only use barley, water and beer hops to produce.
The Munich Oktoberfest is also called “Oktoberfest .It originated in October 12, 1810. Because the main drink is beer during the holiday, so people habitually called The Beer Festival. It is hold from the end of September to early October every year in Munich, Germany, last two weeks, until the first Sunday of October. And has a history of 203 years so far. It was stopped for 5 years because of the first world war, and 7 years for the second world war. The festival’s scale getting more and mor bigger since 1946, and really became a big folk festival.
一、啤酒帐篷(Beer Tent )
在慕尼黑啤酒节上开放时间为早上10点到晚上11点半, 周末为早上9点到晚上11点半。帐篷内的啤酒馆营业到晚 上10点半。周一到周五的傍晚以及从周末上午开始,由于 客流量太大啤酒帐篷会实行限流。只有通过预订或者漫长 的等待,你才有可能进入帐篷。 In Munich beer festival the opening time is 10 o 'clock in the morning to half past eleven at night ,during weekend at 9 a.m to half past eleven In the evening. The beer tent open until half past ten in the evening. Since Monday to Friday evening and the weekend in the morning will jamed with a lot of coustomers,thatis so heavy that above the current limit. only through the reservation or long wait, you may come into the tent.
起源(Origin) 时间(Time) 啤酒(Beer) 食物(Food) 装扮(Costume) 活动(Activity)
慕尼黑啤酒节(The Munich Oktoberfest)
1810年的十月,为了庆祝巴伐利亚的路德维格王子和 萨克森国的希尔斯公主的婚礼而举行了这个盛大庆典。 为期五天的庆典里,人们举行赛马活动,赛马活动结束 后,人们痛饮啤酒以示庆贺,这个庆典沿袭下来后,就 成为今天的啤酒节。自那以后,十月啤酒节就作为巴伐 利亚的一个传统的民间节日保留下来。此后民众持续这 种热烈的情绪,年复一年地举办该项活动。
慕尼黑啤酒节(The Munich Oktoberfest)又称“十月 节”(Oktoberfest),起源于1810年10月12日。因在这 个节日期间主要的饮料是啤酒,所以人们习惯性地称其为 啤酒节。每年九月末到十月初在德国的慕尼黑举行,持续 两周,到十月的第一个星期天为止。迄今已有203年的历 史。其间因第一次世界大战停办5年,第二次世界大战停办 7年。自1946年以来节日规模越办越大,从而真正成了一 个盛大的民间节日。
它的颜色相当深,有着淡咖啡 般的棕色。黑啤酒不象清啤酒那 样苦,口感上稍带甜味。 科什啤酒的酒质非常清淡,有着比 清啤酒还要浅的颜色,苦味也少。 是专门供出口的德国啤酒,它的酒精 含量比清啤酒高些,但苦味较少,总的口 味比较清淡,在国际上很受欢迎。
无酒精啤酒(Alkohofreies Bier) 也是啤酒,口味和清啤酒差不多,只是
如果蝴蝶结在正前方,你可以推断出这位女 蝴蝶结和众所周知的黑猫一样流传着一种说法 士对她的婚姻状况还不太确定。但是,按照习 :蝴蝶结系在左边,幸福就回来!因为那些穿传统 俗,她还是位年轻的姑娘。 服装的女士在围裙的左边打一个蝴蝶结表示她还是 单身。在这样的场合她允许甚至期待被搭讪!
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
相反:蝴蝶结在右边意味着拒绝。穿着这 如果一位妇女把她的蝴蝶结系在背后,有两种含 样传统服饰的妇女表明她已经有伴侣甚至已经 义:她要么是寡妇要么就是服务员。所以不要一看到 结婚了。看到她们还是不要上去搭讪了,不然 这样着装的妇女就向她表示哀悼。 可能会挨耳光。
德国人将喝酒视为每天的“必修课”, 各种酒馆、酒 屋、小客栈便多似天上的星星。仅人口100万的慕尼黑就 有3000多个每天都座无虚席的啤酒馆。而节日期间的消耗 量更是达到惊人的 700万公升啤酒,占慕尼黑全年產量三 分之一。
The German regard drink as“the daily required course”. Each kind of tavern, liquor room, the small inn will then resemble the space the star. Munich only has a population of 1,000,000,but more than 3000 alehouses are full of people every day. While the consumption of beerduring the festival is a staggering 7000000 liters ,Share the Munich’sannualoutpuof 1/3.
On October 1810, people held a grand celebration to celebrate the Bavarian prince Ludwig and Saxon countries princess hills’ wedding. The celebration lasts five days ,during the time they held a horse racing, after the racing, people drank beer to celebrate. After the celebration downward, then became today's festival. Since then ,Octoberfest as a traditional Bavarian folk festival. people keep this kind of warm feelings year after year, to host the event .
女生的衣服有着自己独特的名字—Dirndl,它是一个紧身胸衣,上衣和 裙子,最后不要忘记加上一个围裙.看似简单朴素的它实际上是相当昂贵。
Girl's clothes have their own unique name - Dirndl, it is a corset, 我还没有结 coat and skirt, finally, don't forget to add a apron. Although this 婚哦~(有木 seemingly very simple,but it is actually quite expensive. 有中国帅哥 呢?)
男生呢?一般穿皮裤(Lederhosen)或者皮革 马裤,但是现在大多人都传休闲服,没有什么太大 的讲究。还有一点,各位男士一定要注意了!!! The boy? Generally wear leather pants or leather breeches (Lederhosen),But now most people are casual wear,pay little attention to it. One more thing, all men must pay attention! 看见漂亮的女孩,不要着急搭讪!说不定人家已经已婚了。这个时候,你 得先注意他们裙子咯:如果女人的左边绑一个结表示她是单身(ledig),在右侧 绑一个结指她已婚(geheiratet),后面绑结的则是丧偶的(verwitwet)。 When you find a beautiful girl, don't try to strike up a conversation in a hurry ,maybe she has already married. Thus you have to pay attention to their dress: if the girl’s skirt tied a knot on the left ,it says she is single (ledig), on the right tie a knot means she had already married ( geheiratet), behind the stitching means the death of a spouse (verwitwet).
啤酒节,除了喝啤酒当然还要尝尝当地的美食啦,德国以及巴伐 利亚州州有哪些特色美食呢?扭花面包、香肠、烤猪脚、土耳其烤肉 馍样样都不能错过哟~
During the beer festival,in addition to drink beer you can also try the local food, Germany and Bavaria, which features food is existence?Twisting bread, sausage, roast pork,Turkey barbecue buns and so can not miss them ~