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Lesson 1

Hello,your name,please?你好,请说你的名字?

I’m Sam. 我叫萨姆。

Wow! This is my new book! 哇!这是我的新书!

This is my new pencil! 这是我的新铅笔!

This is my new bag! 这是我的新书包!

Hi! I’m Pat. 你好!我是派特。

I’m An Qi. 我是安琪。

Hi! I’m Zhang Xin. 你好!我是张鑫。

Hello! I’m Lucy. 你好!我是露西。

My new book! 我的新书!

My new book! 我的新书!

Lesson 2

It’s a long tail. 这是一条长尾巴。

Smile, please! 请微笑!

What’s this, Mr. Li? 这是什么,李先生?

It’s a goat. 这是一只山羊。

Hello, friends! 你好,朋友们!

This is our animal world. 这是我们的动物世界。

Please love our animals! 请爱我们的动物!

Lesson 3

What would you like, Sir? 你想要点什么,先生?

I want some apples. 我想要一些苹果。

What would you like, Miss? 你想要点什么,小姐?

I want some coconuts, please! 我想要一些椰子。(直译)/ 请给我一些椰子。(意译)

How many? 要多少?

I’d (= I would) like one, please. 请给我一个。

Lesson 4

What’s on the table, now? 现在书桌上有什么?

A turtle! 一只海龟!A clock! 一个钟!

A pig! 一只猪!An apple! 一个苹果!A fish! 一条鱼!A baseball! 一个棒球!

Hello! This is my friend, Tony. 大家好,这是我的朋友,托尼。

It’s our fun time today. 今天是我们开心的时间。

Hello! Good morning. 你们好!早上好!

Please watch carefully! What’s in my hat? 请仔细的看!我的帽子里有什么?

Two cars! Two birds! Two books! Three pens! Wow! 两辆小汽车,两只鸟,两本书,三只钢笔。

A bird! 一只鸟!

Lesson 5

Who wants to try? 谁想试一试?

He’s (=He has) got three eyes, four hands, four ears and three legs.


Lesson 6

Let’s play games. 让我们做游戏吧。

Which one do you want to play first? 你想先玩哪一个?

Where is Sam? 萨姆在哪?

He must be in the lemon house. 他一定在柠檬房子里。

Pick an apple and put it under the chair. 拿起一个苹果,并把它放到椅子下面。

Do you understand? 你明白了么?Yes. 是的。

Lesson 7

Hello, boys and girls. 大家好!

Let’s have a fruit and vegetable party. 让我们举办一场水果和蔬菜的聚会吧。

First, let’s welcome Miss Pear. 首先,让我们欢迎梨小姐。

Next, let’s welcome Mr. Potato. 接下来,让我们欢迎土豆先生。

Mr. Lime, please! 酸橙先生,请!

Which is Miss Pear? 哪个是梨小姐?

Go away! 走开!

Now let’s welcome them to dance together.现在让我们欢迎他们一起跳舞。

Lesson 8

This is a new street. 这是一条新街道。

The houses are very nice and beautiful. 新房子很漂亮。

A lot of people live here. 许多人住在这。

Really? Let’s go and have a look. 真的么?让我们去看一看吧。

Please wait. 请等一下。Hurry up! 快点!

This is a beautiful house. 这是一栋漂亮的房子。

The windows are blue and the door is red. 窗户是蓝色的,门是红色的。

Lesson 9

Sam, where is my toy car? 萨姆,我的玩具小汽车在哪?It’s under the cap. 它在帽子下面。How much ice cream do you want? 你想要多少冰淇淋?Lots, please. 请给我多一些。

Lesson 10

Let’s count. 我们来数数。

Maths is fun. Three, two, one. 数学是有趣的,3,2,1。

Maths is easy. But we’re busy. 数学是简单的,但我们是忙碌的。

I’ve got one. 我有一个。I’ve got two. 我有两个。

Hey, take away five oranges. 嘿,拿走五个桔子。

Please give me all the ping pong balls. 请给我所有的乒乓球。

I’ve got one. 我有一个。I’ve got two. 我有两个。I’ve got one. 我有一个。
