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1. Eighty percent of the school children begin to have _________(使用/接近) to the Internet at the age of nine.

2. However, having friends who are different from us would have some _________(优势/优点) of its own.

3. He said there is no _________(供替代的选择) for him but to maintain order under such circumstances.

4. Through the above _________(分析), I believe that the positive aspects overweight the negative ones.

5. My final advice is that you should take special care of your _________(外貌/相貌). Though we should not

judge a person by his appearance, the first impression is very important.

6. His _________(抱负) was achieved when he received his doctor’s degree from Cambridge University.

7. Teamwork is required in order to achieve these __________(目的).

8. Apart from the cheap __________(食宿), there are many lovely cafes in this coastal city.

9. Salad not only tast es delicious but also arouses people’s ________(食欲)and it is especially popular with those who are on a diet.

10. The old couple held a wonderful party in celebration of their fiftieth wedding ___________(周年纪念).

11. To my way of thinking, you can collect this information from friends, _________(熟人), colleagues, or volunteers for the project.

12.Now that you’re no longer a child, pay attention to your ___________ (行为/举止) in public.

13. She holds the strong ___________ (信念) that she will accomplish her ideal pretty soon.

14. Busy as she is, she manages to make reasonable ___________ (安排) for her daily routines.

15. The cute toys on the desk drew the ___________(注意) of the little girl and she was dying to get them.

16. The boy lost his ___________(平衡) and fell off the bike all of a sudden. As a result, he was black and blue all over.

17. The secretary attended the conference on ___________(代表) of the manager. In other words, the secretary attended the conference in place of the manager.

18. Thank you for your timely ___________ (协助) from the bottom of my heart. You’re really a helpful assistant.

19.The job of an ___________(建筑师)is designing buildings or is responsible for planning or creating an idea, an event or a situation.

20. She now has _________(权威;权力) over the people who used to be her bosses.

21. I didn’t have a good command of French. T herefore, when I first arrived at France, I found it tough for me to fit in because French was my language_________ (障碍).

22. All the passengers were on _________(在船上)and the flight was about to take off.

23. Due to cultural difference, we are different from each other in many_________ (方面), such as dressing, ways of thinking and eating habits, etc.

24. Actually, going abroad has no _________(吸引力)to me. Even if I were given a chance, I wouldn’t choose to live overseas.

25. Mark is very interested in universe and he aims to take up _________(天文学), the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc.

26. Instead of being spoiled, children should eat bitter food to learn to be frugal (节俭的), do hard work to learn to cherish, and be sent to somewhere tough to learn to be _________(勇敢的).

27. What’s more, with scientific and technological _________(突破), e-book will be more convenient and comfortable for people to use.

28. With a reasonable _________(预算), I can save more than 20% of my money every month, which used to be spent on unnecessary things.

29. Now I am the No. 1 _________(选手) for the English Speaking Contest in our school, owing to my excellent performance in English.

30. More than 6,000 people from all walks of life in Chaozhou took part in the _________(仪式), including students from primary, high schools and universities.


1. Apart _________ that, listening to music also enables me _________(feel) calm and relaxed.

2. As was expected, he got rid _________ his terrible accent and even _________(win) the first prize in the English Oral Contest of our school.

3. At last she interrupted _________(abrupt) what he was saying.

4. When a student is _________(absence) from school, he will call and tell them _________ they have missed.

5. No doubt, _________(maintain) our culture and traditions is _________(absolute) necessary in today’s growing multi-culture communication.

6. _________ is reported that some young girls are too absorbed _________ “star dream”, thus _________(ignore) their study.
