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工程制图测绘大作业任务书Specifications of Part Mapping Project




一、测绘大作业的目的和任务Objective and task :


The project offers students an opportunity of systematical practice of engineering drawing. The objective is to teach students skills and methods of part mapping. By the project, students should master how to select representation methods of detail drawing and assembly drawing and be able to dimension and mark technical requirements correctly. The project provides theoretical and practical bases for course designs and graduation designs in mechanical engineering.


1.零件的测绘Part Mapping


Mapping of common parts: map shafts, gears, screw thread etc.


Mapping of casting parts: map brackets, grinding wheel heads or valves in spraying machines, and finish a 2# detail drawing.

2.由零件图画出装配图Draw an assembly drawing by detail drawings


Finish an assembly drawing by sketches and detail drawings of a flat nose clamp.

3.装配图拆画零件图Interpreting and Separating Assembly Drawings


Complete detail drawings of a screw thread insert by an assembly drawing of a jack.

三、测绘大作业的基本要求basic requirements

1.绘图量numbers of drawings

(1) 零件图:2张以上(至少要有一个铸件)。

Number of detail drawings: > 2 (includes one casting part at least)

(2) 装配图:1张

Number of assembly drawings: 1

2.基本要求basic requirements


Drawings should have correct projections, properly selected and arranged views.


Dimensions are complete, clear and reasonable; Handwritings are neat.


Drawings should be tidy, with clear lines and correct representations consistent with national mechanical drawing standards.


Manufacturing and assembly process structures should satisfy practical engineering requirements.


Technical requirements (size tolerance, geomtric tolerance, surface roughness codes, material, heat treatment, etc.) can be specified by referring to engineering drawings of the same type and related design manuals.

(6)零件草图应按目测徒手绘出,但内容要完整, 投影关系要正确;

Sketch should be finished by eyeballing and freehand with complete contents and correct projections.


Dimensions and parameters are calculated for given shafts, gears and screw threads, and then sketches are completed. Then technical requirements are compiled and detail drawings are finally finished.


Complete information of the flat nose clamp, work principles and structures for example, should be obtained before starting its assembly drawings. First, detail drawings are interpreted carefully and shape of each part is imagined; then assembly relationships between parts are specified by sketches of the clamp; finally assembly drawing is finished step by step.


1. ENGINEERING DRAWING工程制图(英汉双语对照),胡琳主编,机械工业出版社,2005年9月

2. EXERCISE WORKBOOK OF ENGINEERING DRAWING工程制图习题集(英汉双语对照),胡琳程蓉编,机械工业出版社,2005年7月
