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A. 听对话,选择正确的答语(听两遍)。(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)


1. Where are the two speakers talking?

A. In a shop.

B. At home.

C. In a school.

2. What’s the sweater made of?

A. Wool.

B. Silk.

C. Cotton.


3. What does the man want to borrow?

A. A bag.

B. A bike.

C. A book.

4. How long can the man keep it?

A. One day.

B. The whole morning.

C. The whole afternoon.


5. Where is Emma?

A. At the cinema.

B. At the bus stop.

C. At home.

6. What’s the man’s phone number?

A. 87442318.

B. 87443218.

C. 87743218.

7. Who’s the man speaking to?

A. Emma.

B. Emma’s mother.

C. Emma’s sister.


8. Where are they now?

A. In New York.

B. In Kunming.

C. In Shanghai.

9. Why is the woman here?

A. On business.

B. On duty.

C. On holiday.

10. What do we learn about the two speakers?

A. They are friends.

B. They are strangers.

C. They have met before.

B. 听句子,选择与你所听到的句子意思最接近的选项(听两遍)。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

11. A. Joy likes English best.

B. Joy does well in English.

C. Joy studies English hard.

12. A. There are no shops but Mr. Black’s in the town.

B. There are no shops in the town.

C. There’re only a few shops in the town.

13. A. Tom came from Beijing five years ago.

B. Tom has lived in Beijing for five years.

C. Tom used to live in Beijing.

14. A. That CD player is too expensive for me to buy.

B. I don’t like that CD player.

C. I can afford that CD player.

15. A. None of the students like surfing the Internet.

B. Very few students like surfing the Internet.

C. Some of the students like surfing the Internet.

C. 听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案(听三遍)。(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)


16. Who would David like to speak to?

A. His daughter.

B. The nurse.

C. His doctor.

17. When did Dr. Jackson die?

A. Last week.

B. Yesterday.

C. Today.

18. The nurse felt a little _____ because David was always calling.

A. angry

B. excited

C. happy

19. How many times did David call the doctor’s office?

A. Once.

B. Twice.

C. Three times.

20. David kept calling the doctor’s office because _____.

A. he needed the doctor’s help

B. he didn’t like the doctor

C. he began to love the nurse


21. The news is from _____.

A. Nanjing

B. Tianjing

C. Beijing

22. The students can find work in the places except _____.

A. labs

B. headmaster’s office

C. dining room

23. How much does a student make if he works two hours?

A. Five yuan.

B. Ten yuan.

C. Twenty yuan.

24. The students do part-time work _____.

A. in their free time

B. in class

C. at any time

25. We can know from the news that _____.

A. part-time work can help students with everything

B. some parents don’t agree with the idea of part-time work

C. only those students whose parents lost jobs can do part-time work



1. -----Excuse me. Is there _____ park nearby?

-----Yes. It’s over there next to _____ post office.

A. a, /

B. a, the

C. /, the

D. the, a

2. -----If you _____ a new idea, please call me as soon as possible.

-----Sure, I will.

A. keep up with

B. catch up with

C. feed up with

D. come up with

3. -----_____ did Mr. Wang leave in a hurry?

-----Perhaps to meet a friend. Who knows?

A. How

B. Where

C. For what

D. With whom

4. -----Is Jim at home by himself?

-----No. There’s another boy _____ with him.
