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课题针对储油罐油量液位检测的实际问题,开发了一种使用单片机的超声波液位测量仪。介绍了液位测量仪的现状及发展趋势,深入讨论了用超声波作为信号源进行液位测量的可行性及优越性,以及产生误差的各种原因,并提出了相应的解决办法。本课题详细介绍了超声波传感器的原理和特性,以及Atmel公司的A T89C51单片机的性能和特点,并在分析了超声波测距原理的基础上,指出了设计测距系统的思路和所需考虑的问题。


Research on Oil Tank level Measurement System


This research on oil tank level measure system for the practical problems, developed a single chip using ultrasonic wave level measurement. Liquid level measuring instrument introduced status and development trends, in-depth discussion of the use of ultrasound as the signal source level measurement feasibility and superiority, and various reasons of generating errors, and put forward the corresponding of the solution. This subject has introduced principle and characteristic of the ultrasonic sensor in details, and the performance and characteristic of one-chip computer AT89C51 of Atmel Company ,and on the basis of analyzing principle that ultrasonic wave finds range ,the systematic thinking and questions needed to consider that have pointed out.

Ultrasonic level meter using ultrasonic fuel level detection make automatic detection and data processing. At the core of the design using AT89C51 low-cost, high accuracy, Micro figures show that the ultrasonic range finder hardware and software design methods. The hardware circuit includes ultrasonic transmitter circuit, receiver circuit, temperature compensation circuit and the corresponding control circuit. Software design, we design a modular program, the software is divided into ultrasonic drive and data processing modules, function modules into two categories. This circuit of system is reasonable in design, working stability, performance good measuring speeding soon , calculating simple , easy to accomplish real-time control ,and it can reach industry's practical demand in measuring the precision.

Keywords: Single Chip Microcomputer; Ultrasonic Wave; Liquid Level Measurement


摘要 .................................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................... I I 第1章绪论 . (1)

1.1液位测量仪的现状 (1)

1.1.1 液位测量仪的现状 (1)

1.1.2 储罐液位测量仪表的现状 (3)

1.2超声波油量测量仪的研究目的及意义 (3)

1.3超声波油量测量仪的研究内容 (4)

第2章超声波油量测量仪测量原理 (5)

2.1概述 (5)

