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• Before you begin to work the instrument, first read the instruction carefully. • Given the weight and the specific gravity of a bຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidudy, we can calculate its volume.
2、The foundry produces light castings. 3、Light cannot pass through opaque object. 4、The beacon lighted the plane to a safe landing.
1、The fourth power of three is eighty one. 2、Energy is the power to do work. 3、With the development of electrical engineering, power can be transmitted over long distances. 形貌 球状的 4、The surface morphology of spheroidal graphite in ductile iron can be observed under a 1000 power SEM.
1、The strength decreases as the temperature increases. 2、Small as atoms are, electrons are still smaller.
技术性引伸 修辞性引伸 具体化引伸
• The extent of decarburization in a white heart iron depends on Mg-S ratio as well as on section thickness.
4 增译解说性词语 Metallic matrix composites became useful only in the late eighties. ….. 成为….. 东西 This question is really a technique design rather than an operation problem. ....工艺方面….操作方面
• 例:
British and American metallurgists arrived on the patent office doorstep at about the same time in 1948 with their processes for manufacturing a new form of cast iron
2 表示动作意义名词的增译 • Oxidation will make iron and steel rusty. 氧化作用 • Corrections and changes are made in accordance with the observed performance. 做出修正及改变
1 冠词的减译 • The direct arc furnace is particularly suitable for the production of high alloy irons. • A liquid metal becomes a gas at or above boiling point. • The smaller carbides will easily decompose and go into solution in the austenite and produce a more homogeneous austenite structure.
• When high pouring temperatures are used to ensure satisfactory running of thin sections of castings the primary austenite tends to form long coarse dendrites.
4 代词的减译
• • • • • 4.1 人称代词的减译 4.2 物主代词的减译 4.3 反身代词的减译 4.4 不定代词的减译 4.5 关系代词的减译
4.1 人称代词的减译
• Most of these alloys are covered by proprietary names and they are normally produced under licence from companies which have developed them.
2 介词的减译 • The temperature of metal moulds should always be in excess of 200℃.
• The content of metal titanium in this alloy is 12.3%-18.6% by weight. • In 1990 aluminium alloy castings transfers amounted to perhaps $30 million in the market.
• Wrought alloys possess good forgeability, and it gives way to pressure.
• Electric resistance furnaces have their electric energy transformed into heat.
1 英语复数名词的增译 • After a series of experiments important phenomena have been ascertained. 一些重要现象
• The first steel castings produced by full mold process (实型铸造工艺) went into use in 1978. 第一批
5 增译语气连贯词 • The more complex the casting, the more difficult the alloy and more difficult the applicable specifications, the greater the financial benefit. ….. 那么….. 就 • Many persons learned to program with little understanding of computers and their applications. ….. 虽然….. 但
special physical and economic advantages setting it
apart from gray and malleable irons and forged or cast
•• 例: 例:
1、Aluminium is a light metal.
Cannot Beat the Real Thing. 不能打败真正的商品. 挡不住的诱惑!
Connecting People.
3.1 翻译的方法 直译:译文与原文在词语,语法结构及 表 达方式上保持一致。 意译:摆脱原文形式的束缚而传达原文 的 内容。
1、High silicon cast iron possesses high resistance to oxidation at high temperature. 2、A large pressure and a large current are needed to get a large amount of water power.
called ductile iron, a marvelous product that could be made using most of the available equipment and technology of the gray iron foundry and had some
• This machine is simple in design, yet it is efficient in operation.
• Alloys belong to a half-way house between mixtures and compounds.
• This new annealing furnace is a fuel-efficient model.
3.2 翻译的技巧
原文的理解; 词义的选择; 词义的引伸; 词语的增译、减译; 词性及成分的转换; 词序的变动; 特殊句型; 数量的翻译; 专业术语的翻译。
• 例:We take no pride in prejudice.
译文1:对于你的偏见,我们没有傲慢. 译文2:对于有失偏颇的报道,我们并不 引以为豪. 参考译文:正义的力量,舆论的向导.
3 连词的减译 • Manganese goes into solid solution and then it forms a separate constituent. Mn溶入固溶体,然后形成游离态组元。 • These metals usually require a certain amount of preheating before welding and then allowed to cool slowly after the weld is completed.
• 翻译的概念 • 翻译的过程 • 翻译的方法和技巧 • 翻译的几个问题
• 几个定义: Translation is a fine art. ----- 林语堂 Translation is a science. ----- 董秋斯
Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. ----- 尤金.奈达
--The Times 的一则广告
Pride in prejudice
引用英国作家简.奥斯汀的名作《傲慢与偏见》,体 现了《泰晤士报》秉承公平,公正的办报原则,收到 了很好的广告效果.但由于中西方的文化差异,使这 种效果很难在译文中表现出来.译文1将《傲慢与偏 见》的两个关键词强加到译文中,但却使人看了之后 不知所云.译文二虽然表达了公平公正的意思,但给 人的感觉是《泰晤士报》不总是报道真实的新闻.在 这种既难保留原文,又难达到广告宣传目的的两难情 况下,则可放弃原文,采取另译的方法.
3 增译概括性词语 • Both steel iron and cast iron have the structures of eutectoid, hypoeutectoid and hypereutectoid. • Ductile irons are manufactured by melting, inoculation (孕育处理), spheroidization (球化处理) and pouring.
• 广义的翻译是指语言与语言,语言变体与 语言变体,语言与非语言等的代码转换和 基本信息的传达.
• 狭义的翻译是一种语言活动,是把一种语 言表达的内容忠实地用另一种语言表达出 来.
词汇特点 句子结构
• 原文理解
• 汉语表达 • 译文校对