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With the development of China's economy, the human resource management plays an increasingly important role in the modern society, occupation career planning as an important part of the occupation career management, therefore has momentous significance. The rational allocation of enterprise occupation career management is advantageous to the resources and to give full scope to the talents; is beneficial to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of staff, to improve staff working abilities and efficiency, therefore to increase the product output and to reduce the waste of resources; is conducive to improve the occupation control abilities of employees, rationally planning occupation target and allocating time reasonably in order to ensure enough quality and high quantity of the work; is conducive to meet the employees' life demand, the realization of self-value, going beyond oneself unceasingly in the working practice. In short, doing human occupation career management well has a great point for employees and enterprises. As the enterprise career management in China started late and developed just during a short period, a lot of enterprises and employees can not really understand the occupation career management.Thus many enterprises have no occupation career management. Even though some have, they are just in superficial form without further development in practical work. This thesis analyzes the common problems existing in the occupation career management with literature analysis method, trying to find out ways to improve the occupation career management system, to help enterprises improving the management level in the occupation career management, to achieve a win-win situation between the enterprise and the staff.

Keywords: Career management;Significance;Problem;Countermeasure


摘要............................................................................................................................................. I ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. II 目录.. (1)

一绪论 (1)

二职业生涯管理综述 (2)

(一)相关概念 (2)

1.职业的定义 (2)

2.职业生涯的定义 (2)

3.职业生涯管理的含义 (2)

(二)职业生涯研究状况 (2)

1.国外研究状况 (2)

2.国内研究状况 (2)

三职业生涯管理的意义 (4)

(一)对企业的意义 (4)

1.有利于企业资源的合理配置 (4)

2.有利于激励员工,更好实现企业的目标 (4)

3.职业生涯管理是企业长盛不衰的保证 (4)

(二)对员工的意义 (5)

1.有利于增强员工的职业控制能力 (5)

2.有利于工作与家庭生活的动态平衡 (5)

3.帮助员工实现人生需求 (6)

四职业生涯管理现状及问题分析 (7)

(一)国内企业职业生涯管理发展的现状 (7)

(二)职业生涯管理中存在的问题 (7)

1.企业在对员工职业生涯管理方面存在的问题 (7)

2.员工自身职业生涯管理方面存在的问题 (8)

五基于职业生涯管理问题的解决措施 (10)

(一)改进职业生涯管理应坚持的原则 (10)

1.公平性原则 (10)

2.共同性原则 (10)

3.时间性原则 (10)

(二)改善职业生涯管理的对策 (10)
