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Name: _____石一凡__________

Class: _______________

Date: June / 1st / 2014

Title of the book: Petey (9-1 One)

●Useful words and expressions:

Cholera扫荡,霍乱boody prize pass the parcel 击鼓传花的包stiff 硬挺itchy使人发痒swept through横扫Pulled out off···扫过了···plain looking相貌平平go expecting别指望scowl皱起眉头sniffed轻蔑的说Manor 庄园stung受到伤痛had been accused of something被人指控犯了什么罪a crooked back驼背shan't=shall not staircase 阶梯corridor走廊no wandering about 乱走wander跨步走scraping噼哩叭啦的响声blink眨眼cheek flush 脸红了起来moor荒原bleak荒凉的talk about···mad大谈特谈come rain or shine 不论刮风下雨garden galore 很多花园galore丰富的,大量的sort of 差不多bare光秃秃wintry像冬天一样ivy藤蔓trailing蔓延chirruping 吱喳声perched栖息gaze 凝视it has to be一定是take shape 成形了skipped蹦蹦跳跳的走skip跳跃distract 使···分散注意力poking out of 从···伸出来tugged it 拽了一下thudding(心)怦怦直跳grin咧嘴笑了beady 滚圆的fumble摸索galloping疾驰的tread踩urns坛坛罐罐arbours 藤萝spreading···across to each other 向彼此伸出thorny带刺的tendril卷须muffled减轻了···声音prod捅vegetation植被dig away挖起来tend照料spade铁锹,铲子patch片sprinkle 撒lit up 眼前一亮glorious 光荣的pheasants野鸡perfectly still一动不动would have flown into a rage暴跳如雷hoe 锄头sap 汁液a lopsided grin 咧嘴笑了笑faint green淡绿色hurling 用力投the usual scowl nailed to her face脸上永远都是愁眉苦脸pause 暂停keen on喜欢tiptoed 踮脚走a glimmer of light 一丝微光swallow哽咽snif抽了抽鼻子trembling发抖的glow 发热hunchback驼背rajahs首长pacing up and down in one of his paddies 在暴跳如雷plucked at拽了拽making such a fuss这么大吃一惊glum忧郁hitched closer 凑近一点spoil it otherwise 不然会把搞砸的shuffled蹭了蹭tone语调smarmy讨好startling令人吃惊的daft 傻puffing himself up显得不可一世call in 拜访tantrum 发脾气pruned修正枝条starving饿死了wailing 哭泣crimson 通红screeching尖叫glared瞪视rubbed 揉了揉having hysterics大发歇斯里底snapped生气地说tugging on拽着shawl围巾stamped her foot 一跺脚flung himself over 猛地翻过身lumps 肿包night gown 睡衣in awe 敬畏的filled him with tenderness是他心里出满温柔shivered with nerves 紧张得发抖mumbled咕农的说panic惊慌catch a chill 受凉fussing发牢骚every nook and cranny 每一个犄角旮旯drew 拉brust with white blossom开满了白花canopy篷盖,花篷greenery青枝绿叶plain daft 愚蠢至极wench丫头trowel小铲子glowering down at 怒视着ranted怒吼着stammered结结巴巴的说peered over 偷偷望过去vandal破坏分子fist 拳头reckon估摸,想taken aback吃了一惊gammy不灵便了feeble无力lap双膝flopped back down in his chair 一屁股坐回椅子上refreshed精神焕发journal刊物snorted轻蔑的哼了一声shuffle拖着步子走scent香味with a start 打了一个机灵vivid生动的dazzling耀眼的clung to紧随着roamed 游荡panting大口喘气a feast of 万紫千红flaming scarlet鲜红的clustered丛生

● Questions and answers:

1.Why should Mary go to Yorkshire, his uncle’s manor?

Because the cholera killed all Mary’s relatives except his uncle ,so she must go to Yorkshire to live with his uncle.

2.Why shouldn’t Mary go into one gard en in Misselthwaite Manor?

Mr Craven’s wife died in this garden and he was brokenhearted,he buried the key ,so no one could go to the garden again

3.Write a summary of Chapters 3 in no less than 60 words.

After Mary had known the story about the secret garden ,her curiosity made her go and find the garden,she rushed to the far end of the orchard and found the wall had no door ,but behind the door there were trees ,Mary just thought it has to be the secret garden ,and then the chirruping from the robin leaded her to a patch of the ground ,eventually,Mary discovered the rusty key which was buried under the ground.

4.What did Mary find in the garden? What was that used for?
