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完成任务:accomplish tasks

实现目标:realize one’s goal

工作经历:work experience

工作履历:occupational history

专业经历:specific experience

第二职业:second job

工作目标:job objective

激烈竞争:the fierce competition

选择职业时要现实:be realistic in choosing jobs

职位短缺:the shortage of positions

申请职位:apply for positions

健康状况:health condition

打破记录:break the record

AA制:Dutch treatment/go Dutch

传销:multi-level marketing

现金账户:current account

存钱:deposit money in a bank

盲目消费:make blind consumption

购物中心:shopping mall

学生会:student union

取钱:withdraw/draw money

将书本知识与实践结合:combine book knowledge with practice

在。。。成功:succeed in sth

个性很好:have a pleasant personality

更多的职业发展空间:more space for career development 获得提升:win promotion

保护隐私:protect privacy

个人发展:individual development

竞争与合作共存:competition exists together with cooperation

满足自身需要:satisfy one’s own need

独生子女政策:one-child policy

被宠坏的孩子:the spoiled child

确保他们的健康成长与发展:ensure their normal growth and development

放任孩子的危害:the harmful effect of indulgence

崇高职业:noble career

白领工作者:white-collar workers

获得名利:achieve fame and wealth

充分发挥个人的潜力和创造力:develop fully one’s potential and creativity

工作出色:excel in one’s work

造成失业问题:bring about the unemployment problem

社会和个人的尊重:social and personal esteem

培养人才:cultivate talents

守法:observe/obey the law

改进社会风气:improve public morals

扰乱治安:disturb the social order
