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occupational health 职业卫生学

industrial hygiene 工业卫生工程学

Occupational hazard 职业性危害

Occupational adverse effect/damage 职业性损害/损伤 Occupational tolerance 职业耐受性

Occupational injury/work injury 工伤

Occupational disorders 职业性疾患

Occupational diseases 职业病

Diagnosis of occupational disease 职业病的诊断

Emergency rescue center 应急救援中心

health promotion 健康促进

compensable disease 需赔偿的疾病

work—related disease 工作有关疾病

occupational stigma 职业特征

host risk factor 个体危险因素

high risk group 高危人群

occupational health service 职业卫生服务

three levels of prevention 三级预防

primary prevention 第一级预防

secondary prevention 第二级预防

tertiary prevention 第三级预防

primary health care 初级卫生保健

work physio1ogy 工作(职业)生理学

occupational psychology 职业心理学

ergonomics 人类工效学

human factors engineering 人机因素工程学

mental work 脑力劳动

physical work 体力劳动

oxygen demand 氧需

maximum oxygen uptake 氧上限

oxygen debt 氧债

steady state 稳定状态

intensity of work 工作强度

shift work 轮班制

dual classification of work intensity 工作强度双重分级法 static work/effort 静力作业

isometric contraction 等长性收缩

dynamic work 动态作业

isotonic contraction 等张性收缩

dynamic stereotype 动力定型

occupational stress 职业性紧张

stressor 紧张因素

stress 紧张

strain or stress reaction 紧张反应

modifier 调节(缓解)因素

person—environment fit model 人一环境相适应模式

job demands—control model 工作需求一控制模式

psychosocial stresses 社会心理紧张

quantitative overload 超负荷

quantitative underload 负荷不足

work capacity 作业能力

induction period 入门期

steady period 稳定期

fatigue period 疲劳期

terminal motivation 终末激发

training 锻炼

exercise 练习

fatigue 疲劳

overstrain 过劳

physical stress 体力紧张

psychological strain 心理过劳

mismatch 失衡

micropause 工间小歇

break 工间休息

active rest 积极休息

physical strain 体力过劳

occupational cumulative trauma or disorders 职业蓄积性损伤或疾患 flat foot 扁平脚

varicosity of lower extremity 下肢静脉曲张

abdominal hernia 腹疝

kyphosis 驼背

scoliosis 脊柱侧凸

low back pain 下背痛

lumbar insufficiency 腰肌劳损

lumbago 腰痛

sciatica 坐骨神经痛

temosynovitis 腱鞘炎

occupational cramp 职业性痉挛

occupational neurosis 职业性神经机能症

writer's cramp 书写痉挛

styloiditis 茎突炎

epicondylitis 上踝炎

periarthritis 关节周炎

bursitis 滑囊炎

Dupuytren’s contracture 掌挛缩病

callus 胼胝

singer’s nodules 歌唱家小结节

psychological strain 心里过劳

post—traumatic stress disorder 外伤后紧张性精神病

mass psychogenic illness 群体精神病

video display terminal,VDT 视屏显示终端

occupational neck and upper extremity disorder 职业性颈肩腕综合征 computer operator syndrome 电脑操作综合征

dust 粉尘

fume 烟

vapor 蒸气

gas 气体

solid 固体

liquid 液体

mist 雾

productive dust 生产性粉尘

productive fume 生产性烟尘

aerosol 气溶胶

target organ 靶器官

blood brain barries 血脑屏障

placental barries 胎盘屏障

skin barries 皮肤屏障

absorption 吸收

distribution 分布

excretion 排泄

blood/air partition coefficient 血/气分配系数

lipid/water partition coefficient 脂/水分配系数

biotransformation 生物转化

depot 储存库

acute poisoning 急性中毒

subacute poisoning 亚急性中毒

chronic poisoning 慢性中毒

poison’s absorption 毒物的吸收

lead 铅

coproporphyrin,CP 粪卟啉

free erythrocyte protoporphyrin,FEP 红细胞游离原卟啉

zinc protoporphyrin,ZnPP 锌原卟啉

一aminolaevulinic acid,一ALA —氨基一一酮戊酸

transmmlganin 转锰素

mercury 汞

manganese 锰

chromium 铬

beryllium 铍

zinc 锌

nickel 镍
