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2014-2015学年高中英语同步(步步高全解)练习(1)及答案:Module 2 No Drugs(外研版必修2)

Module 2 No Drugs



1. Something should be done to r_______ air pollution.

2. The operation is a success and now the patient is out of d_______.

3. Smoking can cause lung c________, so you’d better give it up.

4. He has taken drugs for so long a time that he is a ________to them.

5. They went swimming in the ________(附近的)river.

6. To be a ______(强大的) country. China has a long way to go.

7. The nurse ________(注射) penicillin (盘尼西林) into his arm.

8. Do you know what ________(造成) the fire?


1. What ________him to fail in the exam?

2. It refers to an event________ to the war.

3. It is believed that smoking is ________.

4. We hope to ________new life into our business.

5. People are not ________ to smoke in the hall.

6. When the traffic is too heavy, you should _______the speed.


1. The government has made a promise to the public to further ______taxes.

A. reduce

B. improve

C. consider

D. increase

2. The stubborn boy didn’t _______ so that he missed the chance.

A. take the advice

B. follow the advice

C. give some advice

D. ask for an advice

3. The big problem causes more than _______every year.

A. seven million deaths

B. seven millions deaths

C. seven million death

D. seven millions death

4. Many students _______going online because they can gain much fun.

A. are addicted to

B. are devoted to

C. are related to

D. are connected to

5. Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents didn’t _______her to do so.

A. forbid

B. allow

C. follow

D. ask

6. A house was _______ between midnight and 5 a.m. A lot of valuable things were stolen.

A. broken out

B. broken into

C. broken off

D. broken in

7. —The English exam is not difficult, is it?

—________. Even Tom _______to the top students failed in it.

A. Yes; belonged

B. No; belonged

C. Yes; belonging

D. No; belonging

8. It’s not rare in _______that people in _______fifties are going to college for further education.

A. the 90s; /

B. 90s; /

C. 90s; their

D. the 90s; their

9. It seemed that he was _______ losing his life. Luckily, he was _______in bed.

A. in the danger of; out of danger

B. in danger of; out of danger

C. in the danger of; out of danger

D. in danger of; out of the danger

10. The students entered the classroom, smiling and ______, and _______ down to have their lessons.

A. talked; sat

B. talking; sitting

C. talking; sat

D. talked; sitting


I. 1.reduce 2.danger 3.cancer






II. 1.caused 2.related 3.addictive 4.inject 5.allowed 6.reduce

III. 1.A

2.A 句意:这个固执的男孩没有接受建议,因此他错过了这个机会。advice为不可数名词,排除



4.A be addicted to “对……上瘾;沉迷于”,符合题意。be devoted to“致力于”;be related

to“与……有关系”;be connected to“与……相连”。

5.B 考查动词词义辨析。由题中的Mary wanted及后面的but her parents didn’t可知父母

是不同意,而not forbid是“不禁止”,有同意的意思,所以排除。follow意为“跟随”,与句意不符。didn’t ask虽有“不让”之意,但没体现“许可”的意思。

6.B break into“破门而入;强行闯入”符合题意。break out“爆发”;break off“折断”;

break in为不及物动词,意为“闯入;打断(谈话等)”。

7.C 由答语中“the top students failed in it”可知考试很难,故第一空用Yes表示“不,很

难”;第二空belonging to the top students为现在分词作定语修饰Tom。

8.D “在90年代”用in the 90s或in the 90’s表示,“在某人50多岁”用in one’s fifties



10.C 句意:这些学生又说又笑地走进了教室,然后坐下来学习功课。smiling and talking


