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1.Q: Could you give a brief introduction about yourself? (自我介绍) (1 mins)


●开场白:我叫XX 来自XX省,我的专业是XXX.

Hi, my name is xxx from XX province. My major is XX (信息与计算机技术:computer science)


I would like to apply some work related to software/hardware.

●我熟悉XXX,XXX,XXX技术( 数据库database; 维护oracle, maintain oracle)

I am familiar with XXX,XXX,XXX


I am a good team player with communication skills. And also a….

Problem solver 解决问题能手

Creative thinker 充满创意

Accurate person小心谨慎

People person 与人相处融洽

Team player 合群

Organized person组织力高


In my spare time, I have broad hobbies .Such as reading,enjoying music and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible .


If I can be hired in your company, I will try my best to make contribution to your company.


2.Q: Please talk about an important project you have participated in before.(项目经验)(可




I have worked in XXX project.


This project is about maintain program(维护程序), develop database(开发数据库) and develop java(开发JAVA).


I am mainly responsible for maintaining the database。

●详细介绍工作流程:首先我用expdp 或者exp来导入数据,用imp 或者impdp 导


Firstly, I used exp or expdp to export the data and used imp or impdp to import the data.

Meanwhile, I supervised for the running of every host.

3 Q:what do your friends or colleagues think about you? (你的朋友或者同事如何形容你) A:


In my friend’s eyes, I am a good listener and can give them advice.


I am responsible and easy-going, I own lots of friends.

4 Q: what is your career plan?



Firstly, I would like to learn more and improve my professional skills.


Besides, I want to find a suitable job and then use my knowledge to help others.


And I am also eager to be a person who can make contribution to the whole team.

5. Q: could you please let me know why you want to change your jobs? (为什么换工作)



My family is here, I prefer to be near my home.


I love Chongqing, especially the culture here.


I would like to have a more challenge job.

6. Q: do you have any experience about working with foreigners? (之前是否有和外国人共事的经验)


No, but I would like to have a try my best.


Yes, so you don’t need to worry about my English.

7. Q: what do you think about HP? How much do you know about HP?(你如何看待惠普,为什么想去惠普)


HP is the leading company in information technology. I believe I deserve the opportunity and I won’t let you down.
