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EIA Environmental impact assessment 环境影响评估
ss suspended solid 悬浮固体
voc volatile organic chemical 挥发性有机化工
COD chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量
Bod Biochemical Oxygen Demand 生化需氧量
DO dissolved oxygen 溶解氧
TN total nitrogen 总氮
TP total phosphorus 总磷
POPs persistent organic pollutants持久性有机污染物
ODS ozone depletion substances?消耗臭氧层物质
EDCs Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals 内分泌干扰物
MPN most probable number(粪大肠菌群单位)
saa surface-active agent(表面活性剂)
SBR Sequence Batch Reactor序批式反应器
PM10 particular matter up to 10(μ)m in diameter
ppm parts per million 百万分之
ppb parts per billion 十亿分之
CAS Chemical Abstracts Service 化学文摘社
RO reverse osmosis(反渗透)
Ci curie(居里)
Bq becquerel(贝可)
TSP Total suspended particle 悬浮颗粒
HW hazard waste 危险废物
equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level 等效连续A 声级
EPA Environmental protection agency 环保机构
The acquisition of scientific knowledge 获取科学知识
Crucial to achieving effective solutions 关键取得有效解决方法
Ozone destruction in the stratosphere 平流层臭氧层破坏
Potential environmental impact 环境预测
Refractory trifluoroacetic 耐火三氟
frontiers of research 前沿研究
new biological and chemical tools 新型生化工具
practical advances 实践性进展
pollution prevention and treatment 污染防治
policy maker 决策者
scientific and technological advances 科学与技术进步
the challenges of environmental sustainability环境可持续的挑战
UNEP united nations environmental programme
engineered process technologies 工艺流程技术
a foundation for future progress 进一步基础
a much broader scope of environmental concerns 更广的环境问题
the research frontiers 研究先驱
Engineered processes 工艺流程
The inherent complexity of environmental systems 固有复杂的环境系统
Outbreak of disease across global scales 全球疾病爆发
wastewater collection and treatment 废水收集与治理
long-lived gases 极其稳定的气体
automobile exhaust fume 汽车尾气
atmospheric concentration 大气浓度
the mean sea level 海平线
evaporation patterns 蒸发模式
physical infrastructure 物理结构
sea-level rise 海平面升高
extreme weather events 极致天气

uman settlements 人类栖息地
stabilizing atmospheric concentration 稳定的大气浓度
economic sectors 经济计算表
the overall concentrations of most pollutants 各类污染物浓度
more favourable conditions for dispersion 较佳的扩散条件
vapour recovery system 油气回收
tightening the emission standards收紧了排放标准
site survey 实地考察
representative noise sensitive receivers 代表性噪声敏感接受者
noise criteria 噪声标准
