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-Whose football is this? might/ could -It_____________ be John’s or Tony’s. (=belong to John or Tony) Because they both play football.
-What happened to them? -It ____________ be a good thing. Because they can’t look sad. -It ________________ be an accident. Because they might/could are crying. -It ____________ be a traffic accident. Because we must can see some traffic policemen.
Say something about your classmates and the other students guess who he/she is. I think he/she might/could/must be… .
Group work : Discuss What do you think your classmates might be in the future? We think he/she might be a ….because he/she….
Read the passage and remember the information.
There are five people in Dick’s family.
Mr. Smith is a worker. Mrs. Smith is a
housewife. Dick’s sister Lucy is 20. She has long hair and likes music. Dick is a 13-year-old boy. He likes sports and can play the guitar. Mary,
Tomorrow is Teachers’ day. We will give our English teacher a present. Can you guess what is in the box?
A: Do you know what is in the box? B: I guess it must be a card.
A: I don’t think so. I think it might be a scarf.
B: why?
-What is the girl doing now?
-She might be _________ now.
-What is the boy doing now? chasing a boy -He could be ___________________ now.
Eg: A: In my dream, I found an alien chasing me! B: Maybe it means you are fond of making a movie! C: Maybe it means………. D: ………
Write down your dream, and guess what it might mean.
Where’s My son ? What’s he doing?
A:Where is your English teacher/ father/mother now?
Can you guess? B:I think she/he might/could/must/can’t/ be…. A:What is he/she doing now? B:I think she/he might/could/must/can’t/ be doing….
-Why do you think he is anxious? -He might be anxious (焦虑不安) for ______.
-What is he looking at? -He might/could be looking at …
-What is she looking at? -She might/couபைடு நூலகம்d be looking …
-Why do you think he is laughing? - He could be laughing for the exciting match. - He must be laughing for a funny story. - He might be laughing for __________.
Report:In my group, we all think the dress must be
Zhang Liangying’s. Because Zhou Bichang hardly ever wears dresses,…
Who is he? There is a boy who is very lovely. He is only five years old. He wants me to tell stories every evening.
Because they found a box. They’re waiting for the owner. What’s in the box? There might/could…be a/an/some…
1.Tom likes sports. 2. It has Jack’s name on it. 3. Red is Mary’s favorite color. 4. Tina likes music . 5. Tony loves Cola. 6. Carla studies hard in class.
Fill in the blank:
Name Things Tom Jack Mary Tina Tony Carla
The soccer ball must belong to /must be …, because…
•Use “must” to show that you think something is probably true. •Use “might” or “could” to show that you think something is possibly true. •Use “can’t ” to show that you are almost sure something is not true.
Who might be a detective in the future.
Do you want to work as a detective for our district.
• Do you often dream in the night? What is it? • Please ask your classmates to guess what the dream might mean?
2、belong to someone 和 be someone’s
belong to someone 和 be someone’s 含义基本相同, 都表示“属于某人,归某人所有”,但要注意用法上的区别 belong to + 名词或宾格代词。
be someone’s + 名词所有格或名词性物主代词 e.g. The English book belongs to Tom. The English is Tom’s ( English book). The English book belongs to me. Tne English is mine.
-Why do you think she is laughing? -She might be laughing for __________.
strange creature 生物
The strange creature might be chasing a man _________________ . catching a man
Why do you think the boy is running?
He could be running for exercise.
He might be running to_____________________ catch up with his mother. He might be running to escape from something dangerous.
Mrs Scary hears strange noises outside her window every night. But she doesn’t know what sound it is. She is very scared. Can you guess what it is?
Who are they? They might/could/be… Where are they? They might/could/can’t/must/ be… What are they doing?
They might/could/must/can’t be doing… Why are they waiting there? I think they might/could/must be waiting …
Unit 5 It must belong to Carla
Which subject do I like? You might like… . You could like… . You must like … .
You can’t like … .
must 一定, 肯定;(probably) could 能,很可能;(possibly) might 或许;大概(perhaps/maybe) can‘t 不会, 不可能。
She’s doing chores at home. What chores is she doing?
She might be+v-ing … She could be+v-ing … She must be+v-ing …
She might be taking out the trash..
情态动词must, might, could, can’t 后接动词原形, 可以表示对现在的情况的推测.
★ It can’t (不可能)… It might/could (有可能) … It must (肯定) …
+ be (cold/happy/ sb’s)
★ It must be Tony’s (是„的) belong to Tony. (属于„)
Dick’s sister is just 3 years old.
Whose … is this? Why?
1. The … might / could / must / can’t be Mr Smith’s, because … 2. The … might / could / must / can’t belong to Mr. Smith, because…
Mr Smith Mrs Smith Lucy Dick Mary
Discuss: Whose…is …?I think it ...
names Zhang Liangying gifts must might/ can’t … dress T-shirt
bag Zhou Bichang must might/… can’t