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高二英语`Unit 1 Reading (学案)


1.If you __________ (背叛) your friend ,you will lose him.

2.He pretended not to find his mistakes ;it is ___________(愚蠢) of him to ____________ (忽略)his own mistakes.

3.Finally he __________(承认) committing that crime.

4.You’d better ___________ (原谅)him ;he didn’t do it _______________________(故意地).

5.I can’t stand your ________________(行为).It made me a bit ________________(尴尬) 6.Don’t laugh at him .I t’s impolite to t___________ others.

7.He never invites his friends to dinner. He is very m________ with money.

8.His questions placed me in a d______________ ;I don’t know how to answer them.

9.You are a bit absent-minded ;You should f__________ your attention on your study.

10.If you are late for class, you should a____________ to your teacher.

11.Don’t d____________ his honesty. You can believe in him.

12.The old man is very s_____________ ;it’s not easy to persuade him to follow you. 二、课文内容填空(熟悉课文后上再做)

1.I feel _________ by my friends.We have been best friends since __________ school.

Some children say we are no ___________because we are both very ____________

and like to study.We are both very ____________ and we both get good __________ at


2.On Monday ,we had a _________ maths test. I must have sounded very ___________ of myself after the test. I was ________ to get a good mark But I was wrong .I failed .I

felt so _________.I didn’t feel like I was _____________ my studies .

3.I didn’t want others to know that .I was ___________ to be cheerful ,but Hannah _________ something was wrong .I told her the truth .I ____________ how badly I had

done. I made her ________ not to tell anyone and she said she would keep my


4.To my surprise, the next day ,I noticed that my classmates were ___________ at me .I was so ________ that I felt like crying.I thought that Hannah must have _____________

told others .

5.I was so angry that I went __________ to her and blamed her because she couldn’t keep her __________.She ________ that shed hadn’t told anyone.but I don’t _________ think I can _________ her .because everyone ___________ me now.

her .I don’t

6.I have a ____________. My best friend has stopped __________ to me .We have been best friends ____________ st week , we had a match _______ another school.The other team was __________ and we really had to __________. Matthew was

playing really badly.He seemed ____________ and as a ____________ of his

___________ playing,we lost the game.

7.I thought he was not trying hard enough and he got very __________ with me .He said it wasn’t his __________ and I shouldn’t ___________ at him. Then we both started shouting at each other and it __________ into a horrible ______________.He kept on saying really __________ things to hurt me .I feel really __________ because I said some really ___________ things too,but I can’t _________ seeing our team lose .

8.These days he has been very __________and looks sad. He is usually _________ and outgoing .Yesterday ,I saw him talking to another boy ,and I can’t help _________ if he

wants the boy to be his friend __________ of me . What should I do ?


get along (on) keep one’s word forgive … for in trouble as a result (of)
