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look, see, watch, read, ask, answer, thank, think, study , learn, take, bring ,buy, sell , come , go , like , love , have, eat, sing , dance, swim , run ,paint ,play ,draw , brush ,let , listen , speak , write, spell ,tell , call , start, work , show , meet, plant, want ,do , know, need, help, afford, find, join , teach , welcome


have---ha s, go---go es, watch---watch es, do---do es, brush---brush es , teach---teach es

动词短语sb. 代表某人sth. 代表某物

1. let sb (宾格) do (动词原形)

2. want sb. / sth , want to do sth., want sb.(宾格) to do sth. , want to be a +职业,

3. like/ love sb. / sth. , like / love to do sth. , like/ love doing sth. , really like ,

4. get up, go to a movie = go to movies , go to work , go to school, get to school,

go home, get home , go to bed, welcome to , buy… from, sell… to, find a job,

5. have a look at sb./ sth. = look at sb./ sth , call sb. at + 号码,

have a party, have English, have class es, have lunch , excuse me, tell me,

6. tell sb. about sth. = tell sth. to sb. , know about, learn about

7. thanks for sth. = thank you for sth. , take a shower, take a bus , take a photo

8. watch TV , watch …on TV, listen to music , write a letter, school/ class start s

9. speak English /Chinese , learn /study English , brush t ee th , buy / sell sth.

10. help sb.(to) do sth. = help sb. with sth, be in the movie , be good with sb.

be busy do ing sth.= be busy with sth. , be strict with sb , be strict in sth,

11. do kung fu , do homework, do a survey , work all day and all night

12. draw well , sell well , run well, eat well, join us, join the swimming club,

be动词am, is , are

我( I ) 用am , 你( you ) 用are, is 用于他(he),她(she) ,它( it) , 复数都用are

助动词: do, does 本身无意思, 帮助实义动词构成否定句或疑问句

情态动词can , may, will , 情态动词无单三, 后面的动词也无单三, 用原形.特殊疑问词

How, How much , How old, How many What, What time, What color, What kind, Where, When , Who , Why


interesting , boring, relaxing, exciting, good, great, best , fine, OK, fun, funny, difficult, healthy , big, small , happy, scary, sad, favorite , successful, busy , strict , tired

读透一张纸, 考试也无忧.


an 名词短语

an “A” / “E” / “ F”/ “H”/ “ I” / “L”/ “M”/ “N”/ “O”/ “ R”/ “S”/ “X”

an apple, an egg, an orange, an ID card, an interesting thing, an actor , an address, an English teacher , an action movie, an American boy , an email , an art festival,

an exciting movie, an eraser, an alarm clock, an uncle, an aunt , an answer ,

an example, an old book


food, fruit, salad, chicken, ice cream, broccoli, help, music, homework

colors: red, yellow, green, blue, black, white

三餐: breakfast, lunch, dinner , dessert

have breakfast/ lunch / dinner / dessert (句子主要成分)

for breakfast/ lunch / dinner / dessert (句子次要成分)

把y 变ies 的名词复数

dictionar y --- dictionar ies , documentar y --- documentar ies, famil y--- famil ies,

strawberr y--- strawberr ies, part y --- part ies, comed y--- comed ies, cit y --- cit ies

hobb y --- hobb ies
