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Unit1 Will people have robots?

Section A


Do you think people will have robots in their homes in 100 years?

Yes, I do. I saw a robot on TV, and it cleaned the kitchen.

Well, I don't think people will use money.

Do you think every thing will be free?

Yea, probably.

I think there will be only one country.

Only one country in the whole world? Will there be peace?

I hope so.

I think kids won't go to school. They're study at home on their computers.

Oh, I disagree.

You do?

Yea, they are always being schools.

2a, 2b

Okay, now I want to hear everyone' predictions about the future’.

Well, I think there will be more people.

More people? Okay, what else?

I predict there will be less free time.

I hope not.

Well, I think there will be fewer cars.

You do?

Yes, people will use the subways more.

That's a great idea. Let's hear another prediction.

There will be less pollution.

That will be good for the earth.

I think there will be fewer trees. I think cities will be really big and crowded. Because there will be a lot more people.

Section B

2a, 2b

Conversation One

Hi, I'm Alexis.

Nice to meet you Alexis. I'm Joe.

Nice to meet you Joe.

Do you live here in Textile?

Yes, I do. I live in the apartment across the street from here.

Oh, really?

Yes, I work near here too, at Six-call Sax-way System. I am a computer programmer.

A computer programmer? That's sound interesting.

Well, it’s kind of boring; I do the same things every day.

Conversation Two

Hey, Joe, is that a picture of you?

Yea, that was me ten years ago.

So, did you live here in Textile ten years ago?

No, I live with my parents in Greenbelt. We live in the house in the country. I want to go to school in Textile though.

Really? That's pretty far from here. How did you get to school?

Oh, I took the train to school.

Conversation Three

So, Joe, what do you think your like will be like in ten years?

Oh, I think I will be an astronaut.

An astronaut? Are you kidding?

No, I'm serious; I'll fly a rocket to the moon. Maybe I'll fly to other places.

Oh and where where will you live?

I'll live on the space station.

Unit 2 W hat’s wrong?

Section A


You look unhappy, what’s wrong?

Oh, my clothes are un-style. I don’t look cool!

Maybe you should buy some new clothes.

Yes, but I don’t have enough money.

Ha! Maybe you should get a part-time job in the evenings.

I can’t. Because my parents want me stay at home every night. I argue with them about it.

Well, you shouldn’t argue with your parents, you should talk about your problems. Guess what else was wrong?


My brother plays CDs too loud. I can’t go to sleep!

2a, 2b

Hey, Peter, what’s wrong?

I had an argue with my best friend. What should I do?

You can write him a letter.

I don’t think so. I don’t like writing letters.

Maybe you should call him up.

No, I don’t like talk about it on the phone.

Well, you should say “sorry”.

Yes, I know I should, but it’s not easy.

Maybe you could go to his house.

I guess I could, but I don’t want to surprise him.

Hey, I know! You can give him a ticket to a ball game.

Well, that’s a good idea, but I don’t have enough money.

Section B

2a, 2b

I need to get some money for the summer camp, what should I do?

Well, you should get a part-time job.

I don’t have enough time.

I have an idea; you could get some money from you brother.

No, he doesn’t have any money any money either.

I think you should get some money from your parents.

Or, you could sell your CDs.

No, I don’t think so, I love my CDs.

Maybe you could have a bake sale.

No, I can’t bake.

Then, you should call Teen-Talk, the radio advice programme.
