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1. Greetings 问候语

Part One: Vocabulary短语

·Hello. 你好.

·Hey! 嗨.

·What's up? 怎么了?有什么事?

·Excuse me... 对不起,打扰一下

·What's new? 有什么新消息吗?

Part Two: Expressions 实用句型

1. Hello. 你好。

2. Hi. 嗨。(less formal than hello 不如hello正式)

3. Hey.嘿。(like “hi”, used more with familiar people 跟hi一样,通常用于熟人间打招呼)

4. What's up? 怎么了?有什么事?(very informal 用于相当非正式场合)

5. How's it going? 事情进行得怎么样了?

6. How are you doing? 近来过得怎样?(If you want to get someone's attention 如果你想引起某人的注意)

7. Excuse me... 对不起,打扰一下(best choice 最佳选择)

8. Hey! 嘿! (may sound rude, used to stop someone who is doing something wrong or when you need to be loud听


9. What's new? 有什么新消息吗?

10. Hi, sir. Can I help you? 您好,先生.我可以帮您吗?

11. May I help you? 我可以帮您吗?

(Service people usually start a conversation like that.服务人员经常用到这样的开场白。)

12. Hi. Nice to meet you. 你好,很高兴见到你。

13. How have you been lately? 你最近怎么样?

14. Hey, what are you doing up here? 嘿,你在这干嘛?

15. Hi.Sam. What a surprise to see you here! 嗨,山姆,真没想到居然在这里碰到你!

16. Hi, buddy. 嗨,伙计们!

17. Hi, guys. 嗨,伙伴们!

18. How are things? 事情进行得怎么样了?

Part Three: Substitutions替换练习

1. Hi. 嗨

How's it going?最近过得怎么样?

Hello. 嗨

Hey. 嗨

2. What's going on?怎么了?

What's happening?发生了什么事?

What's up?怎么了?

How's it going?怎么样了?

3. How are you doing?最近还好吧?

feeling 感觉

lately 最近

these days 这些天

4. Good morning, Mrs Jones. How are you today? 早上好,乔治先生,你今大早上怎么样?

Good afternoon 下午好

Good evening 晚上好

5. How are you this morning, Susan? 苏珊,你今天早上怎么样?

today 今天

this afternoon 今天下午

tonight 今晚

6. Hi, guys. 嗨,伙伴们。

buddy 伙计们

girls 女孩子们

boys and girls 孩子们

7. How is your wife, Steven?史蒂芬,你太太还好吗?

family 家里人

brother 兄弟

sister 姐妹

8. Not bad, thank you.还好,谢谢。

She is okay 她还好

Great 很好

Fine 很好

9. Oh, I haven't seen you for ages. How have you been? 噢,好久没见你了,你还好吗?

for years 好几年

for a long time 很长时间

since last year 自从去年

10. Hi. Nice to see you. 嗨,很高兴见到你。

Glad to see you.很高兴见到你。

Nice meeting you.很高兴见到你。

Great to meet you.很高兴见到你。

Part Four: Dialogues会话

Dialogue 1

Tom: Good morning. 早上好。

Anna: Good morning. 早上好。

Tom: You look good today. 你今大看起来很好啊。

Anna: Thanks. Actually I have an interview this morning. Do you know what time it is?


Tom: Oh, it's ten thirty.噢,是十点半。

Anna: Well, I don't want to be late for the interview. I'll see you later.好的,我不想面试迟到,迟点见。

Tom: Good luck!祝你好运!

Dialogue 2

Anna: How are you feeling today?今天你感觉怎么样?

Tom: Much better, thanks. And thank you for cooking that chicken soup for me last night.

It was delicious. 好多了,谢谢。谢谢你昨晚为我煮的鸡汤,真是美味。

Anna: I am glad I could help. Are you going to work? 能帮助你我很高兴。你要去上班了吗?

Tom: Yes. I am all right now. I'll see you tonight. 是的,我现在全好了。今晚见。

Anna: See you. 今晚见。

Dialogue 3

Tom: Hi, Laura. Haven't seen you for a while. 嗨,劳拉。好久不见了啊。

Laura: Hi. Good to see you again. 嗨,很高兴再见到你。

Tom: How are you doing? 你还好吗?

Laura: Not bad. Work is okay. 还好,工作还顺利。

Tom: Oh, is it? That's good to hear. You now work in Taiwan, right?噢,是吗?太好了。你现在是在台湾工作吗?Laura: Yes. This is my second year of teaching.是的,今年是我第二年教书了。

Tom: Wow! That must be exciting. I hope I can visit you sometime.哇,那一定很刺激。真希望有天我能去拜访你。Laura: Good. You're welcome at any time.好啊,随时欢迎你。

Part Five: Words and Expressions 词语注释

buddy [ ♌✈♎♓] n. 密友,伙伴interview [ ♓⏹♦☜◆] n.面试

soup [♦◆☐] n.汤,羹汤sometime [ ♦✈❍♦♋♓❍] adv. 在某时;有朝一日
