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TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】


( ) 1.(2018安徽)The speaker showed some______ examples to make the science report easy to understand.

A. awful

B. stupid

C. proper

D. thick

( ) 2. (2018 海南)Li Lei's mother_____ him because he went out to play in the rain.

A. was angry with

B. was pleased with

C. was proud of

( ) 3. (2018 河北)This dog looks_______. It's wearing red shoes.

A. clever

B. brave

C. funny

D. careful

( ) 4.(2018 江西)Susan never gets upset when she has to wait in line. She is very_____.

A. shy

B. honest

C. funny

D. patient

( )5.(2018福建)----How_______! There are no workers in the bank.

-----It's the first self-service bank in China.

A. strange

B. scary

C. boring

( )6.(2018 云南)Don't play games on the computer all day. It's______ to your eyes.

A. harmful

B. useful

C. helpful

D. thankful

( ) 7.(2018青海)-I was very______ when I arrived late for the dinner party.

A. embarrassed

B. relaxed

C. uncomfortable

( )8.(2018连云港)---Harry, you should mind your manners. It is_____ to push in before others.

----Sorry, Mum. I won't do it next time.

A. polite

B. rude

C. active

D. careless

( ) 9(2018海南)Lucy is a/an____ girl. She always helps others when they are in trouble.

A. upset

B. higher

C. active

D. careless

( )10.(2018扬州)---I can't afford the white dress.

----What about the orange one? The price is a little______.

A. cheaper

B. higher

C. lower

D. more expensive

( )11.(2018贵阳)China has a history of over'5,000 years. It is one of the _______countries in the world.

A. biggest

B. richest

C. oldest

( )12.(2018本溪)What______ news! We've never had such a long vacation before.

A. missing

B. boring

C. worrying

D. exciting

( )13.(2018辽阳)I had a______ trip to Dalian last year. It's a nice city to visit.

A. wonderful

B. terrible

C. dangerous

D. delicious

( )14. (2018 葫芦岛)The artist is so can make different changing pictures with sand.

A. common

B. creative

C. dangerous

D. friendly

( )15.(2018抚顺)Your advice is very_____ to me. I'm sure our activity will be more meaningful.

A. terrible

B. comfortable

C. important

D. valuable

( )16.(2018包头)He is a____ person, but he is good at telling funny stories.

A. serious

B. patient C .kind D. humorous

( )17.(2018武汉)We experienced a few_____ moments as we waited to hear the results of the test.

A. pleasant

B. anxious

C. hopeful

D. disappointing

( )18.(2018白银)After two years' physical training, he was_______ and healthier.

A. weaker

B. longer

C. stronger

D. shorter

( )19.(2018 东营)----Look, how wonderful this paper-cutting is!

----So it is. Paper cutting is a/an____ Chinese art with a long history.

A. common

B. modern

C. important

D. traditional

( )20.(2018泰州)It's ______for you to keep secrets for your friends. In this way, you can win their trust.

A. strange

B. necessary

C. possible

D. lucky

( )21.(2018恩施州)----What's the time? My watch is_______.

----It's a quarter to ten.

A. old

B. new

C. broken

( )22.(2018襄阳)---Do you like this new kind of mobile phone, madam?

----Yes. But it's too______, and I can't afford it.

A. popular

B. lovely

C. cheap

D. expensive

( )23.(2018荆州)----I do feel a little_____ about making a speech.

----Take it easy. The more you prepare, the better you will feel.

A. angry

B. disappointed

C. nervous

D. bored

( )24.(2018 宜昌)----How are you getting on with your cousin?

----Very well. He is really_____ and joins in all kinds of activities his spare time.

A. polite

B. strict

C. active

D. careful
