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Unit 1(A)

fall behind 落在…后面

result in 导致;造成…的结果

run out 用完;耗尽

in a rush 匆忙地

go with 同时发生;伴随

work at 致力于;从事

in person 亲身;亲自

due to 由于

pour into 大量投入(精力或金钱等)Unit 1(B)

adjust to 适应

familiar to 为…所熟悉

culture shock 文化冲击;文化震撼

tired of (doing) sth 厌烦(做)某事separate from 把…分开;分离

prevent from 阻止;防止

recover from 从(疾病,事故,震惊等)


go through 经历;经受

Unit 2(A)

next to 靠近;接近

in sb’s presence

in the presence of sb 有某人在场

by no means 绝不,绝非

count on 依靠;依赖;指望

on one occasion 有一次

come upon 偶然遇见;偶然发现

pack into 塞进;使挤入

take notice of 注意到

sing out (大声清晰地)喊出(或唱


point out 指出

reflect on 仔细考虑

in advance 事先,预先

Unit 2(B)

act as 作为

above all 最重要的是

not hear of it 不听;拒绝听取

set one’s mind on 决心做某事(或得到某


set the stage for 为…做好准备

focus on 聚焦于;集中(精力)于be used to(doing)sth 习惯于

hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

strip sb of sth 剥夺

charge sb with sth 指控;控诉

Unit 3(A)

ups and downs 盛衰;沉浮

work out 成功;产生结果

for a time 暂时;一度

meet with 遭遇;遇到

all along 始终

have nothing to do with 与…无关

on the surface 表面上;外表上

at one’s worst 最差的时候;最糟糕的时候

learn of 获悉;听说

Take care of 负责;处理

procceed to do sth 接着做某事

Unit 3(B)

come up with 想出,提出(答案,解决办法)

win over 说服;把…争取过来

from head to toe 浑身上下

on the short/fat/thin,etc 有点矮(胖,瘦等)

think of 有…的看法

put (sb) to bed 安置(某人)睡觉

hit it off 相处得很好;一见如故Unit 4(A)

without fail 必定;总是

as long as 假如,如果,只要

be free to 随意做某事

right away 立即,马上

more than(+adjective) 十分,非常

be thankful for 对…心存感激

Unit 4(B)

from day to day 天天

from hour to hour 不停地,一直地

on occasion 有时,偶尔

take its toll on 损害;破坏

cling to 坚持,忠于

lose control 失去控制

be/become accustomed to doing 习惯于(做)某事

a far cry from 与…相距很远


have sth in common 有共同之处

on earth 到底,究竟

Unit 5(A)

pick up 拿起,举起

be grateful for 感激;为…致谢

be dressed in 穿着

coupled with 加上

die from 死于

direct at 对准,针对

starve sb of sth 使缺乏,使得不到Unit 5(B)

make a point 提出论点

take…for granted 视…为理所当然

hold down 保住(工作)

pine for 为(不能得到某物)而伤心

make fun of 嘲笑,取笑

stand up to 经得起,经得住

give in 屈服,让步

to some degree 在某种程度上

on demand 一经要求

turn over a new leaf 悔过自新,洗心革面in the end 最后,终于

Unit 6(A)

fill out 填写

if only 就算…都行,哪怕…也好

even so 即使如此,尽管这样turn down 拒绝

come up to 走进,靠近

press for 催促,竭尽全力

ill at ease 不自在

free from 无…的,不涉及…的take charge of 负责,管理

be stuck with 被迫拥有或使用

Unit 6(B)

go to great lengths 竭尽全力做某事take sides 支持某人,偏袒一方act out 将(思想或情感)表达出来

speak of 表明,意味着

turn off 使离开

turn out 不理会,不理睬

up to 能适合的,能胜任的more or less 几乎,差不多

follow one’s track 跟着,跟踪
