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几种谈话: talk 内容可以正式,也可以私人 conversation 一般用于正式文体中,内容上往往不 正式 dialogue 对话,可以指正式国家与国家会谈。 eg.China and Korea are having a dialogue. chat 闲聊,就是北京人说的“侃”,说的是无关紧 要的事。 gossip 嚼舌头,说长道短 用法:have a +...
• 频率副词往往放在句子中间,实义动词前,非实义动词后。 • 如果既有实义动词又有非实义动词,要放在两个之间。 • 疑问句中副词往往放在主语后面。 • • • • 非实义动词:1.系动词(be) 2.助动Baidu Nhomakorabea:帮助动词构成时态的(do,does,will,shall,have,had,has) 3.情态动词(must,can,may) 除此之外都是实义动词。
☆spoil(spoiled or spoilt) v.使索然无味,损坏(重点词)
几种破坏: 打破玻璃用break; damage:破坏,但是程度不一定很重; destroy:破坏,彻底摧毁; 以上三个是指物理上的破坏,而spoil主要指精神上 spoil:把东西的质量变得不好了;生活中不顺心的事。 1.宠坏。His parents spoiled the boy. 2.毁了某人心情。His arrival spoiled my holiday. ☆museum n.博物馆 那么多博物馆一定要记住我们的Palace Museum(故宫)哦 ☆public adj.公共的 这个词我们在第一课见过了,基本用法和private一起记。下面再说两点 : 1.public house简称pub:酒吧 2.in public:公开的;in private:私下里的
Theatre n.剧场,戏剧 [记忆]cinema 电影院
☆seat n.座位 这个词很重要,考试常考。 have a good seat,这里的seat指place,而不是chair。 take a seat/take your seat 坐下来,就坐 下面这个句子在口语、电影里很常见:Is the seat taken? 请坐的3种说法: Sit down,please.(命令性) take your seat,please. Be seated,please.(更礼貌) 考点:作为动词的seat与sit的区别 sit--vi; seat--vt seat sb 让某人就坐
Lesson 2
Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch
★New words and expressions
☆until prep.直到 后面加(时间状语)从句,前面就是主句 区分“直到……才”(not until)和“直到……为止”(until)的 方法: 把until作为时间终止线。从句的时间终点之前,这个动作做 了还是没做? 做了——肯定;没做——否定。 eg:For he___until it stopped raining.
When all those present___he began his lecture.(D) (重点题) A.sit B.set C.seated D.were seated A,B改为sat就对了 ☆angry adj.生气的 cross=angry
☆attention n.注意 Attention,please. pay attention 注意 pay attention to 对……注意 pay a little/much/more/no attention
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☆It was my aunt Lucy. 如果不知道对方性别时,可以用it取代。 如有人敲门,可以问:Who is it? ☆by train by直接加交通工具(不能有任何修饰词、复数) 如果加修饰词,就要换掉by,用in或on I go out by bus. 若是两辆:I go out in/on two buses. ☆I'm coming to see you.我将要来看你。 用come的现在进行时态be coming表示一般将来 同样的用法还有: go,come,leave,arrive,land,meet,die,start,return,j oin... • 前4个一定要记住
Lesson 3
Lesson 3 Please send me a card
★New words and expressions ☆send v.寄 寄信:send a letter 用法:send sth to sb/send sb sth 类似的用法还有give,take,pass,read,sell... send/take children to school 区别:take:强调某人亲自送; send则是通过第三人去送,如美国的校车 本课重点:双宾语 双宾语指直接宾语(表示动作结果)和间接宾语(表示动作目标) 如在give sb sth中,sb是间接宾语,sth是直接宾语
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.waited B.didn't wait (A) A.leave. B.left C.didn't leave (C)
☆outside adv.外面(作状语) eg:He is waiting for me outside. ☆ring(rang,rung) v.(铃、电话等)响 [注]这种响是刺耳的,往往是提醒人做某事 如:The telephone/door bell is ringing. 而风铃等响要用jingle jingle(bell):(铃儿)响叮当 v.给某人打电话:ring sb n.打电话:give sb a ring Remember to ring me.=Remember to give me a ring. n.戒指 ☆aunt n.姑,姨,婶,舅母 所有长一辈的女性都用这个称呼 与此相同,男性则是uncle 他们的孩子:cousin:堂兄妹(不分男女) cousin的孩子:nephew:外甥,niece:外甥女[记:“捏死”]
间接宾语在后面时,其前必须加to(对……而做, 翻译为“给”)或for(为……而做,翻译为“替 ”)
可以翻译为“给”,“替”,“为”的,就用for; 如果只能翻译为“给”就以用to
• give a book to me;I buy a book for you.
• 总结:用for的词:buy,order,make,find • Do me a favor please.=Do a favor for me. • • • • • • • ☆postcard n.明信片 [注意]/t/和/k/前者失去爆破音 简写为card,由此引申出: namecard/visiting card:名片 ID card:身份证 credit card:信用卡 cash card
• ☆look out of • out of是固定搭配
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☆感叹句 What+a/an+adj+n+主语+谓语 省略:1.主、谓随时可省 eg:What a good girl (she is)! 2.省形容词 [注]有上下文和一定的语境,才能省略形容词。不能给对方造成误解 。 • 如本文的What a day!根据上下文的It was dark outside.和It's raining again .可以推断出省略的是terrible.
☆hear:听见 hear+人:听见某人的话 I couldn't hear you.Beg your pardon? I couldn't hear a word.(夸张) I couldn't catch your words.
a word 等于一句话 eg.He didn't say a word. May I speak to Jim?=May I have a word with Jim?
☆business n.事,生意 business man 生意人 do business 做生意 go to some place on business 因公出差 business:某人自己的私人的事情 thing:可以指事情,也可以指东西
Last week,I went to the theatre.I had a very good seat.The play was very interesting.I didn't enjoy it.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.They were talking loudly.I got very angry.I could not hear the actors.I turned round.I looked at the man and the woman angrily.They didnot pay any attention.In the end,I couldnot bear it.I turned round again."I can't hear a word."I said angrily."It's none of your business."The young man said rudely."It's a private conversation!" ☆go to the+地点:表示去某地干嘛 go to the cinema=see a film go to the +人+'s:表示去这个人开的店 go to the doctor's 去看病 go to the butcher's 买肉 go to the dairy(奶品店)
go to +地点:去某地做相关的事 go to school 去上学; go to church 去做礼拜; go to hospital 去看病 go home 回家休息 [注]跟home相连一定表示没有事情可做,休闲 ☆enjoy enjoy oneself 玩得开心 enjoy+sth 喜欢(从中得到一种享受) (后面不能加人) I enjoy the music/book/dinner/film/program. ☆过去进行时态:过去的某个时间正在发生的动作 一个故事的背景往往用进行时态描述。 eg.The girl was reading a book in the garden.A boy came to her. ☆got 变得 I am/was angry.(是个事实) I got angry.(强调变化过程) got取代be动词。got是半联系动词,可以直接加形容词。 ☆说话的时候喜欢用缩略:I'm not,he isn't,they aren't 写的时候会说:I am not,he is not,they are not
☆bear(bore,boren) v.容忍 忍受的几种说法:bear,stand,endure,put up with bear->stand->endure 忍受的极限在扩大 pur up with=bear=stand
bear n.熊 give sb a bear hug 给某人热情(热烈)的拥抱
New Concept
Lesson 1
☆private adj.私人的 如果妈妈想看你的信,你可以说:It's my private letter. 如果陌生人想进你的房子,你可以说:It's my private house. private life 私生活 由此引申出privacy n.隐私
新东方是private school(私立学校),与此相反,公立学校是public school.所以 ,private的反义词是public. eg.public 公众;public letter 公开信;public place 公共场所 private还有一个值得注意的意思:普通的。 如:private citizen 普通公民;private soldier 大兵
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天哪!英国人说Dear me!或My dear! 美国人说:My god!(o发啊的音) ★Key strucrures关键句型 本课的重点句型是现在进行和一般现在。 now:现在进行时(说话的当时正在发生,现阶段正在发生) often,always:一般现在时 一般现在时,是一种习惯、真理,是过去、现在和未来都会发生的事 情。