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(2)— ________ visit the Summer Palace this weekend?

— That's really a good idea.

(3)Beijing ________ its places of interest such as the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. (4)—Shall we ________ in Switzerland this winter holiday?

— Wow, that will be really nice.

(5)Tokyo is an Asian city with many huge________, so a lot of tourists go there to shop every year.

(6)I ________ stay at home because it is too hot outside.

【答案】(1)the capital of

(2)Why not

(3)is famous for

(4)try skiing

(5)department stores

(6)prefer to

【解析】【分析】be famous for因……而出名,department store 百货商店,prefer to宁愿,why not为什么不,try skiing试着滑雪,the capital of......首都

(1)句意:华盛顿特区是美国的首都。根据地理常识可知,华盛顿是美国的首都。用the capital of ,故填 the capital of 。

(2)句意:——为什么不这个周末去颐和园?——这真是个好主意。根据答语确实是个好主意,可知上句是建议的句子。空格后动词原形,要用why not,放在句首,要大写。故填Why not。

(3)句意:北京以其著名的名胜古迹而出名,如长城和颐和园。由生活常识可知北京以places of interest 名胜古迹出名,要用be famous for ,根据句意要用一般现在时。主语Beijing,第三人称单数,be 要用is。故填 is famous for 。

(4)句意:——这个寒假我们去瑞士滑雪好吗?——哇,那真是太好了。根据in Switzerland this winter holiday可知一定是去滑雪,要用try skiing,固定短语。shall后接动词原形,故填try skiing。

(5)句意:东京是一个亚洲城市,有许多大型百货商店,所以每年都有很多游客去那里购物。根据后句 a lot of tourists go there to shop every year. 可知一定去百货商店,department store,空格前有many,要用复数。故填 department stores 。

(6)句意:我宁愿呆在家里,因为外面太热了。由后句 it is too hot outside. 可知宁愿呆在家里。要用prefer to,固定短语。根据句意,要用一般现在时,主语I,要用动词原形,故填 prefer to 。




(2)Jim's home caught fire last week and a fireman ________.

(3)My home is ________ a river, so I always go for a walk by the river after supper.

(4)There's nothing but woods ________ the road.

(5)I'm a big fan of Jay Chou and l will support him ________.

(6)Jack often gets No. 1 in his class. His parents ________ him.

【答案】(1)at the bottom of

(2)save his life

(3)next to

(4)on the other side of

(5)all the way

(6)feel proud of

【解析】【分析】next to,靠近feel proud of,感到骄傲; on the other side of,在......对面; at the bottom of, 在......底部all the way“(一路上)一直;从头到尾”, save one's life救某人的命(1)句意:河中的水非常清澈,你可以看到水底的水植物。因为水清,才能看到水的底部,应填at the bottom of.

(2)句意:吉姆的家上周着火了,一个消防员救了他的命。句中缺少动词,由Jim家着火,消防员,可知应填save his life,根据last week ,caught,动词应该用一般过去时,故填saved his life。

(3)句意:我家靠近一条河,所以晚饭后我总是在河边散步。在河边散步,可知家与河较近,故填next to。

(4)句意:在路的对面除了树木什么也没有。there be +sth.+地点,句子缺少地点状语。故填at the other side of。

(5)句意:我是周杰伦的忠实粉丝,我会一直支持他。既然是忠实粉丝,就应该一直支持,故填all the way。

(6)句意:杰克经常在班上获得第1名。他的父母感到骄傲。第一名,父母应该感到骄傲,feel proud of。由前句often gets,可知应该用一般现在时,主语parents,故应该用动词原形,故填feel proud of。



Henry is a fifteen-year-old boy. He ________ in a middle school. He often watches TV and likes the trendy(时髦的) hair style. His parents and ________tell him not to do so, but he doesn't
