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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、根据图片内容写单词 (共4题;共8分)

1. (5分) Is it s________and c________?

2. (1分)—What's this?

—It's a ________ .

3. (1分) The rabbit ________ at home yesterday afternoon.

4. (1分) This is Li Bai. He was ________. He was a ________.

二、选择填空。将正确答案的字母标号填到提前的括号内。 (共5题;共10分)

5. (2分)— ________ are you?

—I'm twelve.

A . How old

B . How

C . How many

6. (2分) The fish is swimming the water.

A . in

B . on

C . under

7. (2分) I didn't like playing football _______. I like it very much _______. I will be a football player _______.

A . now; before; in the future

B . before; now; in the future

C . in the future; now; before

8. (2分) These are some stamps ________ the USA.

A . of

B . from

C . at

9. (2分)—do you go to Canada?

— I go by plane.

A . How

B . Where

C . When

三、读一读,完成练习。 (共1题;共12分)

10. (12分)阅读对话,选出正确的答案。

Daming: Hello! Do you go to school every day?

Tony: No, I go to school from Monday to Friday

Daming: Are you going to run on sports day?

Tony: No, I'm going to swim.

Daming: What about your brother Tom?

Tony: He is going to play basketball

Daming: Where is he now?

Tony: He is at school. He is training.

Daming: Let's go and have a look.

Tony: Good idea.

(1) Tony goes to school__________.

A . every day

B . from Monday to Friday

(2) Tony's brother is___________.

A . Tony

B . Tom

(3) Tom is ___________now

A . at home

B . training

(4) Tom is going to ___________on sports day.

A . swim

B . play basketball

(5) Tony and Daming are going to_________.

A . school

B . swim

四、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。 (共5题;共25分)

11. (5分) the / I /Monday / play / guitar /on

12. (5分) to, strong, be, wants, everyone, and, healthy, (.)


13. (5分) cook want be to a I(连词成句)

14. (5分)①a②big③have④We⑤dinner(连词成句)

15. (5分) chocolate,had,of,Sam,lots (.)


五、根据实际情况回答问题。 (共3题;共15分)

16. (5分) What do you wear at school?

17. (5分) (2019四上·即墨期中) 找朋友。

⑴What's his name?________ A. It's blue.

⑵What colour is the notebook?________ B. Ok!

⑶Let's clean the classroom.________ C. It's on the wall.

⑷Where is the picture ?________ D. His name is Mike.

⑸What's in your schoolbag ?________ E. An English book and a notebook.

18. (5分)从方框中选出下列各句的最佳应答语。
