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Module 1 British and American English单元练习


21. There are a v of magazines here. You can take whatever you like.

22. He didn't work hard all the term. So it's o that he can't pass the final examination.

23. His car d greatly from mine in colour, price and size.

24. In his poem, the poet c his lover to a rose.

25. After repeated a they finally succeeded.

26. The Germans speak English with a strong German a .

27. Many years later, I realized that my unfriendly r (话语) did hurt her deeply.

28. Try to s your explanation for the children.

29. You'd better low your s if you want to find some cheap flat to live in.

30. He waited for the a of the result of the competition anxiously.


31. I was (迷惑) by what she said just now and I didn't know what she meant.

32. One dozen beautiful young women take their stage and stand before a (多样性) of ancient musical instruments and start to play.

33. Her unhappiness was so (明显的) that anyone could see it.

34. He tried to (简化) the story for the younger audience.

35. Who do you know sets the (标准) for water quality?

36. David had prepared carefully for the chemistry exam, so that he could be sure of passing it at her first (尝试).

37. (比较) with yours, my work of art is far from satisfactory.

38. From his strong (口音) we can easily tell he is from London.

39. The second (版本) of the book was published only in America.

40. In order to prevent an earthquake, the (结构) of the buildings must be improved.


41. 这对孪生兄弟有许多相同之处。

The twin



42. It doesn't (区别、影响) to me whether you go or not.

43. Johnson的同事因他对市场的适时把握而称他为天才。(词数不限)

Johnson's colleagues a genius for his ability to time markets.

44. 总的说来,我赞成这个提议。

On the whole, I'm the proposal.

45. 药价上升是导致医疗费用上涨的原因之一。

An increase in the price of drugs has the rising cost of medical care.

46. It was (多亏他的忠告) that I passed the exam.

47. 我们正期盼着听杨利伟的报告。

We are to listening to Yang Liwei's report.

48. The mixture (闻起来很难闻). (词数不限)

49. He and I (要在火车站见面) tomorrow. (词数不限)

50. 这是他第一次向我道歉。(词数不限)

This is the first time that he to me.


51. Your homework is his. Did you copy his?

A. different from

B. different in

C. similar in

D. similar to

52. with most of the young, Tom likes listening to rock and roll.

A. In total

B. In particular

C. In common

D. In general

53. with the old chewing gum, the new one is sweeter and cheaper.

A. Comparing

B. To compare

C. Compared

D. Compares

54. The professors present at the meeting exchanged a few in a low voice when the chairman made a speech.

A. remarks

B. comments

C. opinions

D. suggestions

55. All the villagers the government's plan, which will bring great benefit to them.

A. are against doing

B. are in favour of

C. do a favour

D. are favourable

56. --- Please all the numbers and tell me the result.

--- Those numbers 10,000.

A. add to; add up

B. add up; add up to

C. add up; add to

D. add up to; add to

57. --- Can you guess what the front page news is today?

--- Of course, everybody about the highest level two-day meetings on China's urbanization(城市化).

A. is talking

B. talked

C. has talked

D. had talked

58. --- Is there any possible way to help them get rid of such a bad habit?

--- To tell the truth, it's very hard. But we on this problem trying to improve the situation.

A. worked

B. had worked

C. are working

D. had been working

59. It makes no which road you take; both lead to the city, and they are equally long.

A. point

B. sense

C. matter

D. difference

60. --- Did you hear that Wang Fei is having a concert in our city next week?

--- Really? Cool! I to see the live show.

A. am going to go

B. goes

C. will go

D. has gone

61. It was your decision rather than ours that his being involved in the matter.

A. resulted from

B. lay in

C. brought in

D. led to

62. You'll find this map of great value in helping you to London.

A. get across

B. get over

C. get up

D. get around

63. It is the most instructive lecture that I since I came to this school.

A. attended

B. had attended

C. are attended

D. have attended

64. his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.

A. Thanks to

B. Thanks for

C. In spite of

D. As regards

65. For many years, people electric cars. However, making them has been more difficult than predicted.

A. had dreamed of

B. have dreamed of
