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本课为初中英语《新目标》版七年级下册第八单元”Unit 8 Is there a post office near here ? Section A(1a_2c)”本单元教材以“问路”为中心话题,学习和运用句型进行问路及指路。而本课作为本单元的第一课,以学习并运用”Is there…?”及关于建筑名称的单词、一些方位介词进行简单的问路与指路,为本单元之后的学习做铺垫。


本节课的授课对象是七年级的学生,他们经过一学期的学习对英语知识有了初步的积累,充满了好奇心和想象力,具有合作学习和独立思考的能力,因此,在本节课的教学过程中,本人注意充分利用学生已有的基础,在向学生讲授建筑名称时(有些名词学生已经学过)通过PPT展示滁州当地建筑的一些照片以激起学生的学习兴趣同时将难点、重点巧妙化解于各种形象的图片中,充分激活学生思维,让学生最终能够Leaning by themselves、Doing by themselves达到真正运用语言的能力。


1.知识目标:(1)学生能够听、说、读、写四会掌握建筑物词汇,如:bank, hospital, post office 及方位介词:next to,across from, in front of 等。(2)学生自己能简单问路及向别人指路具体表现在熟练运用以下用于问路的疑问句及其回答1)There be句型的肯定,否定,疑问2) Where is ……? It’s……




教学重点:1)方位介词的用法2)there be 句型的肯定句式、否定句式和疑问句式的教学3)there be句型中be就近原则




Step 1 Greet students as usual. T: Good morning, everyone! Today we will study Unit8” Is there a post office near our school?”

Step2 Asking students a question. Before our new class, I ask you a question ”Is there a post office near our school?”Let students answer the question themselves, then correct it. Next continue to ask another question “Is there a park near our school?”Meanwhile the teacher shows a picture of buildings around our own school. Let students answer the question themselves, then correct it .Though this way, lead in ” There be” Then lead students study the use of “There be”(There be句型的肯定,否定,疑问,be就近原则)”There is a park near our school”“There are

many buildings near our buildings”把两个句子放在一起讲可以说“There is a park and many buildings near our school” We can also say “There are many buildings and a park near our school”Let students read these sentences. Can you notice some key points? Let students say out the key points themselves. T: Can you find out the difference between the two sentences?让学生自己总结。S: Be形式不同引出be就近原则be形式取决于离它最近的名词形式。离be最近的名词是单数be用is,离be最近的名词是复数be用are。Next let students translate the sentence and check out the answers.桌上有一支钢笔和两本书。(翻译)

There is a pen and two books on the desk. Now let’s look at other pictures.

Step3 Show some pictures to students one by one .T: Where is the ball? S: It’s on/in /under the box. (这三个介词学生已经在七年级上册第四单元” Unit4 Where is my schoolbag?”学过。继续向学生展示新的图片引出新的介词near, behind, in front of Teacher asks ”Where is the ball”Let students answer the questions themselves first, then the teacher correct the pronunciation. Next let students read the new words together about prepositions.在讲解in front of 时补充一下in the front of的用法。让学生根据例子把两者区别开来,in front of 是物体之外的前方in the front of是物体之内的前方举例There is a tree in front of the house. There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.理解这两个生活中的例子之后让学生翻译两句话并检查答案:房子的前面有一辆小汽车。教室的前面有一台电脑。There is a car in front of the house. There is a computer in the front of the classroom. T: You are very good. Read the words after me. Now read the words together. Now let’s look at some other pictures.

Step4 Show some pictures about buildings to the students. Most of the pictures are taken at local place, so the students are familiar with the pictures.向学生展示一些当地建筑的一些照片导入关于建筑的新单词。有些单词比如bank, hospital学生已经学过讲授起来学生很容易接受。Read the new words about buildings. Let students read the new words together. T: Very good. Now turn to page43 and look at 1a.

Step5 Do1a. Match the words with the places in the pictures. Let students do it themselves. Step6 Do1b.Listen and circle the places you hear in 1a. Firstly let students listen to the conversations and check the answers. Then listen to the conversations again and let them say out the conversations..

Step7 Do2a.Let students do 2a and check the answers. Let students read these sentences.

Step8 Do 2b.Listen and fill in the blanks with words in the box then check the answers. Then listen to the conversations again. Let students read these sentences.

Step9 Do1c and 2c together .Ask and answer questions about the places in 1a using ”Is there……?Yes, there is/No, there isn’t”“Where is ……?It’s behind/near…”The teacher gives students several minutes to prepare it then let students say out their conversations.

Step10 Do exercises. Let students do the exercises and check the answers.

1.The police station is _____ (在……之间) the restaurant and the hospital.

2.The park is ________ (在……前面) the bank.

3.The pay phone is ______ (在……对面) the post office.

4.The restaurant is______ (在……后面) the post office.

5.The hotel is_____ (在……旁边) the hospital.

6. Can you go to the p_________ office to send a letter for me?

7. Tom is ill in h_________.

8. Let’s go to the r__________ and eat some food.

9. You should put the money in the b_______.
