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Unit 6 Pets ★课前复习



1.according to

2.in my opinion

3.take out for a walk


5.care for

6.bark at

7.all night


9. a small number of

10.what’s more

11.have no choice but to do…

12.run free

13.grow up

14.pay attention to

15.lie around 16.respond to

plaint about sth. make a complaint about sth.

18.right away

19.makes a lot of noise

20.keep … from doing sth

21.heart attack

22.be faithful to

23.walk the dog

24.died of + 原因或疾病

25.for these reasons

26.on a farm

27.not … any more

28.keep on


Head to head

Is it good idea __________keep pet dogs?Emma and Matt give their

opinions__________this matter.(介词)

Keeping pet dogs __________ a good idea.There __________ lots of reasons for


First ,dogs __________ really cute.It’s nice to hold them in our arms,and it’s wonderful to see them grow up.(be)

Second,we can learn r__________ from keeping dogs.We have to f __________ them,train them and play with them.A __________ to my mum,this helps us become more responsible people .(首字母填空)

Young people can __________ (learn) how to __________ (care)for others by__________ (keep)dogs.(动词形式)

A dog will love you faithfully __________ bring you lots of happiness for many years. __________ I think it’s a good idea to keep pet dogs.(连词

Keeping pet dogs is not a good idea,says Mattl

__________ is not a good idea __________ keep pet dogs.(句型)

Pet dogs leave __________ hair on the floor,on beds and on sofas,and__________ need to be washed often.(代词)

Dogs are __________(noise).Nearly all dogs bark at__________(strange).Some dogs bark at strangers.Some dogs bark more __________ (loud) than ___________(其他的).Afew dogs bark all night.This stops people from (get )any sleep.Not all dogs are__________(friend).A small number of pet dogs even attack people.(动词形式) What’s more ,__________ common _________ people ________ live in flats.(句型)They have no choice but ______ keep their dogs in small

spaces.H__________ ,dogs need fresh air and large open spaces where they can run free.

Finally,owing dogs can be e__________.So keeping pet dogs__________ not a good idea.(be)


1.Chocolate can make dogs sick.





2.Dolphins sleep with both eyes closed.

with 的词性是,表示(伴随/原因)

with sth. + adj. 意为:



I don’t believe he sleeps


Yesterday she left home the door .

3.Dogs may feel unhappy if they are not taken out for a walk.



4.Head to head. 针锋相对

5.So, I think it’s a good idea to keep pet dogs.

It is +n. + to do 意为



It is protect the environment.


It is for Xiaoming sports.

6.It’s nice to hold them in our arms, and it’s wonderful to see them grow up. grow up

see sb. do sth. 意为:强调动作(全过程/正在进行)see sb. doing sth. 意为:强调动作(全过程/正在进行)

1.The boy said he saw a UFO (fly) last night.

2.He heard someone (call) for help.

7.Young people can learn how to care for others by keeping others.
