It since it before 句型和练习

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I. since

1.It is/has been+时间段+since sb did sth某个动作发生持续多久

eg:It is/has been three years since he finished the work.



eg:It has been three years since he worked here.他不在这工作已经三年了.

It has been three years since he smoked.他已经戒烟三年了.

但是:It has been three years since he began to smoke.



1.It was/will be+时间段+before... 过多长时间将发生某动作或事情;或过了多久发生了某事或动作。

eg:It was three years before he finished the work.他花了三年才完成这项工作.

It will be three years before he finishes the work.他得花三年才能完成这项工作.

2.It won't be/take long before...不久就会…

eg:It won't be long before he finishes the work.他不久就会完成这项工作.

III when.

when没有固定与It is…连用的句型.when可表示时间点或时间段,因此从句中短暂性动词或延续性动词均可用.when还可作并列连词,表示突然发生一个动作,等于and at that time.常用句型:

1主语+was/were doing when...

2主语+was/were about to do when...


It +be+时间+before/since/when/that…是高考中每年必考的重要考点,而学生却对这个句型中几个关联词的选择把握不准,造成失分。我在试题讲解的过程中设计了以下几个小题,让学生去分析,整理,归纳,效果很好。

1. It was two years ________he realized the truth.

2. It will be two years ________ the economic situation improves.

3. It was two years later ________ he realized the truth.

4. It is /has been two years ________ he lived here.

5. It was midnight ________ he arrived home.

6. It was at midnight ________ he arrived home.

7. It was not until midnight _______ he arrived home.

A. before

B. when

C. since

D. that


1、2两个小题都选A. 第一题意为:两年后他才得知真相。第二题意为:经济形式要等两年后才会有所好转。

「归纳」It was/ will be +一段时间+before+句子是高考一个重要考点。意为:多久之后才……

要注意:It will be +一段时间+before+句子,before引导的是一个时间状语从句,所以后面的从句要用一般现在时态表将来。

3. D 此题为强调句型。把It was…that去掉后,句子仍然成立:He realized the truth two years later.

4. C 本句意为:他不住在这儿已经两年了。

「归纳」为since意为自从某时或某事发生以来,故since后从句时,从句的时态应用一般过去时态,而主句应用现在完成时态。如表示某某事发生多久了,则用:It is/ has been+一段时间+since+从句。

「注意」It is/ has been+一段时间+since+从句。在本结构中,从句的谓语动词如为延续性动词时,翻译时要从动作结束时算起。

5. B本句为定语从句,先行词为midnight,在从句中作状语。要注意与第6小题的区别,第6题为强调句型,故答案应为that.

6.D 再看下面两题:

(1)It was the park ________ he first met his wife.

(2)It was in this park ________ he first met his wife.第一题答案应为where,为定语从句;第二题答案为that,为强调句型。

7.D本题亦为强调句型结构:It was not until…that…意为:直到……才……
